Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Guglielmo named interim dean of UCSF School of Pharmacy

Joseph Guglielmo, PharmD, has been named interim dean of the UCSF School of Pharmacy, and will take the reins of the school from outgoing Dean Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD

Computer models successfully predict drug side effects

New computer models were able to successfully predict negative side effects for hundreds of currently marketed drugs, report researchers from the UCSF School of Pharmacy, SeaChange Pharmaceuticals, and Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research in

Teaching old drugs new tricks at the Small Molecule Discovery Center: arthritis drug could treat dysentery

The UCSF School of Pharmacy’s Small Molecule Discovery Center (SMDC) provided a key assist to researchers seeking to repurpose existing drugs to treat the worldwide scourge of amoebic dysentery.

Koda-Kimble is honored by UCSF Medical Center

Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD, dean of the UCSF School of Pharmacy, was honored by the UCSF Medical Center on May 4, 2012 for her “exceptional vision as a leader, commitment to patients, compassion as a human being, an

Remembering Harry W. Hind - pharmacist, inventor, leader, benefactor

Harry W. Hind, a 1939 graduate of the UCSF School of Pharmacy who invented solutions that revolutionized contact lens use, as well as a topical patch to treat pain from shingles, died on April 12 at age 96.

Celebrating Burlingame’s contributions to mass spectrometry

From the start of his illustrious half-century career in mass spectrometry, Al Burlingame, PhD, has been part of a scientific sea change.

UCSF School of Pharmacy’s 32nd year of top NIH funding includes many new projects

For the 32nd consecutive year, the UCSF School of Pharmacy received more research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) than any other pharmacy school in the United States.

New NIH funding awarded to the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 2011

New research support awarded to the UCSF School of Pharmacy by the National Institutes of Health during the 2011 fiscal year included these on-going projects by faculty in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry:

New NIH funding awarded to UCSF School of Pharmacy postdoctoral fellows in 2011

New research support awarded to the UCSF School of Pharmacy by the National Institutes of Health during the 2011 fiscal year included two on-going projects by postdoctoral fellows:

UCSF School of Pharmacy tops U.S. News survey list

The UCSF School of Pharmacy continues to rank number 1 among Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) programs in the United States, according to a new, 2012 survey published by U.S. News & World Report.
