Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Colleagues respond to Dean Koda-Kimble’s retirement announcement

Following the UCSF website's announcement of School of Pharmacy Dean Mary Anne Koda-Kimble's June 30, 2012 retirement came

Dean Koda-Kimble announces retirement

UCSF School of Pharmacy Dean Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD, announced today that she is stepping down as dean and retiring from UCSF on June 30, 2012, after 14 years as dean and 41 years as a member of the faculty.

Nordberg becomes associate dean, finance and administration

Michael Nordberg, MPA/HSA, is the newly appointed associate dean of administration and finance for the UCSF School of Pharmacy.

Huang receives NIH New Innovator Award

Bo Huang, PhD, a faculty member of the UCSF School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, has been named a recipient of a 2011 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Award.

Shu awarded funding for infrared fluorescent protein research

Xiaokun Shu, PhD, a faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, has been awarded $165,000 in first-year funding under the UCSF Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research (

Williams named to lead UCSF School of Pharmacy IT

Michael Williams, MA, is the first executive director of academic, administrative, and research technology for the UCSF School of Pharmacy, effective August 1, 2011.

Update from the Dean - Spring/Summer 2011

Faculty awards: Cutler, Fujimori, Huang, Wells. New faculty members: Abate, VanOsdol, Rodondi. Retiring faculty members: Kahl, Shafer, Wang, Kayser, Koo. PharmD students: Campbell, Wheeler, Ho, Lam, Campbell, Loucks, Marotto, Huynh, Luu, Chua, Stephens. PhD students: Gray. New appointments: Penick...

School of Pharmacy biotech symposium features case histories of future pharmaceuticals

The 2nd Annual Bay Area Biotechnology Symposium, presented by the UCSF School of Pharmacy’s Industry Outreach Program in coordination with the UCSF Postdoctoral Scholars Association at Mission Bay in late May 2011, fully lived up to its billing: “Pharmaceuticals of the Futur

Finley provides medication therapy management to patients with depression

Psychiatric pharmacist Patrick Finley, PharmD, BCPP, spends his days not behind the pharmacy counter, but in the clinic interviewing patients with depression, determining the provisional diagnosis, selecting and prescribing medications, and working with patients over the long hau

Pharmaceutical chemistry postdoc job fair draws crowd

A job fair to help postdoctoral fellows and final-year PhD graduate students in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF School of Pharmacy connect with private industry amid a brightening job market drew a packed house on UCSF
