Office of Experiential Education and Professional Development

About the office

The Office of Experiential Education and Professional Development is responsible for the long-range strategic vision and the management of experiential education for the PharmD degree program, including introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs) and advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs).

The office also oversees the professional development of the School’s preceptors and manages the Department of Clinical Pharmacy's volunteer faculty appointments, ensuring excellence in the experiential training for every PharmD student.

Part of the PharmD Education Unit in the Dean’s Office, it is led by the associate dean of experiential education and professional development, who reports to the co-vice deans of PharmD education, who report to the dean.

Responsibilities include

  • Experiential education.

  • Preceptor development.

  • Volunteer faculty appointments.

Expertise includes

  • Experiential education curriculum development, management, and assessment.

  • Management of student, preceptor, and partner site needs, issues, and concerns.

  • Training in experiential pedagogy.

  • Quality assurance of experiential education precepting and learning environments.

Related links

Office members


Associate Dean of Experiential Education and Professional Development
Vice Chair of Experiential Education
+1 415 502-5494
Experiential Education Administrator
+1 415 502-5093

Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs)

IPPE Program Director
+1 415 476-2964

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs)

Associate Professor
+1 415 717-4341
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Associate Professor
+1 415 502-8151
Regional Program Director, Southern California Program
Professor of Clinical Pharmacy
+1 916 734-7726
Associate Professor
+1 559 499-6514

Experiential Education Staff

Program Assistant
+1 916 703-4007
Experiential Education Administrator
+1 415 502-5093
Program Assistant
+1 415 353-4068
Experiential Coordinator
+1 415 514-1501