Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Susan Miller, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Broadly, I use a variety of biochemical and biophysical tools to investigate protein structure/function questions spanning the range of elucidating novel aspects of catalysis in individual enzymes to understanding the interactions of proteins within a pathway and how mutations influence flux...

Al Burlingame, PhD


My research interests focus on the development of state of the art methodologies in mass spectrometry for use in advancing our global knowledge of human biology, specifically the dynamic, epigenetic modulation and regulation of the proteome.

John Gross, PhD


I am interested in protein structure and dynamics related to gene expression. We study changes in protein structure that occur on time scales ranging from millions of years to a millionth of a second, with a focus on basic questions of how viruses cross-species and give rise to modern pandemics...

Jim Wells, PhD


My research focuses on developing enabling technologies for protein engineering and drug discovery to understand biology and pave roads to therapeutics.

Brian Shoichet, PhD

Vice Dean & Professor

I co-lead the School’s plans for developing graduate education programs in the computational and experimental sciences along with Rada Savic, PhD. These programs are geared toward giving the School’s PharmD students greater career opportunities throughout biomedicine.

As a faculty member in the...

Adam Renslo, PhD


I am the School’s representative in collaborations between our academic scientists and industry, aiming to translate the most promising discoveries and technologies from our research into therapies that reach patients.

My research group is engaged at the interface of chemistry and biology. As...

Michelle Arkin, PhD

Department Chair and Professor

My research focuses on the development of drug-like molecules that alter important biological processes. These molecules will help us understand human biology and may lead to the design of new drugs. I also chair the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Details: Administration.

Xiaokun Shu, PhD


We apply laws of Physics and Chemistry to design tools for Biology, and use the novel tools to understand fascinating Biology and discover life-saving therapeutics.

Daniel Santi, MD, PhD


Since my retirement in 2000, I became CEO of Kosan Biosciences. I returned to UCSF in 2007 where I served as interim Director of the UCSF CTSI and then Director of Translational Research at QB3.

Stephen Kahl, PhD

Senate Emeritus (WOS)

Since retiring from UCSF, I continue to teach and coordinate PC 121 and PC 157. I am also still a member of several other committees.
