Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Adam Renslo, PhD


I am the School’s representative in collaborations between our academic scientists and industry, aiming to translate the most promising discoveries and technologies from our research into therapies that reach patients.

My research group is engaged at the interface of chemistry and biology. As...

Michelle Arkin, PhD

Department Chair and Professor

My research focuses on the development of drug-like molecules that alter important biological processes. These molecules will help us understand human biology and may lead to the design of new drugs. I also chair the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Details: Administration.

Xiaokun Shu, PhD


We apply laws of Physics and Chemistry to design tools for Biology, and use the novel tools to understand fascinating Biology and discover life-saving therapeutics.

Daniel Santi, MD, PhD


Since my retirement in 2000, I became CEO of Kosan Biosciences. I returned to UCSF in 2007 where I served as interim Director of the UCSF CTSI and then Director of Translational Research at QB3.

Bo Huang, PhD


I am interested in understanding how macromolecular interactions sets up subcellular compartments that control signaling and nuclear domains that regulate gene function. For this goal, I am developing new fluorescence microscopy techniques and engineering new protein and cellular tools, so that the...

Zev Gartner, PhD


My laboratory is working to understand how cells self-organize into tissues, how the structure of tissues help regulate cell behaviors, and how tissue structure breaks down in diseases like cancer. By understanding these processes we hope to reveal general principles contributing to cancer...

Pamela England, PhD


Research in the England Lab is broadly focused on developing and applying chemical probes to investigate the structure and function of signaling proteins implicated in fundamental biological processes and human diseases. Execution of these research projects typically involves a combination of...

William DeGrado, PhD


My research focuses on small molecule and protein design as an approach to understanding macromolecule structure and function.

Charles S. Craik, PhD


I focus on defining the roles and the mechanisms of enzymes in complex biological processes and on developing technologies to facilitate these studies to aid in the rapid detection, monitoring, and control of infectious disease and cancer.

Update from the Dean - Winter 2013

Top NIH funding: Shu, Aweeka, Brodsky. Recent gifts to The Kidney Project. Honors and awards: Day, Youmans, Benet, Schoenhaus. New pharmacy care model, Safeway. John Craig remembered. Mary Anne Koda-Kimble celebrated. Achieving our vision: 2007-2012.
