Topics and Expertise: bacteria

Yang study demonstrates simulator to study antibiotic dosing against biofilms

Nearly every human bacterial infection—including some of the most serious, life threatening, and costly to treat—can take the form of a biofilm, in which bacteria aggregate into structured communities that enclose themselves within a secreted slime.

Fischbach joins project to generate drugs from bacterial genomes

Bacteria generate small molecules to fend off their fellow microbes. They also produce molecules that affect the response of host organisms—including humans—to their presence. Such molecules have been a major source of antibiotics, immunosuppressants, anti-cancer agents, and other drugs.

Fischbach and Desai focus on “micro” solutions to improve health with drugs

Faculty members in the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, UCSF Schools of Pharmacy and Medicine, share their research on the human microbiome and microfabricated drug delivery systems and their hopes for how their science will improve the health of patients.

Reflection: 30 years of top NIH funding for UCSF School of Pharmacy

Table of contents

Budget significance
Reasons for past success
A decade of funding for bioinformatics
New drug discovery directions attract support

Logic gates allow bacteria to work like computers

Logic gates, similar to those that form the basis of silicon computing, can now be inserted into bacteria via genetic engineering, making it possible to manipulate bacteria to perform complicated tasks. This finding will ultimately enable cells to be programmed with more intricate functions,...

Fujimori unveils enzymatic process in bacteria that leads to antibiotic resistance

Research results published from the UCSF research laboratory of Danica Galonić Fujimori, PhD, have revealed a radical approach employed by bacteria to alter their ribosomes and thereby evade antibiotics.

Study reveals how to make gasoline from yeast and bacterium

A chemical precursor molecule of gasoline can be produced from biomass and salt, according to research by UCSF School of Pharmacy's Christopher Voigt, PhD, and UCSF colleagues.

Voigt and synthetic biology: art meets calculus

Christopher A. Voigt, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, is studying how to engineer living systems to solve widespread problems of society, such as our dependence on petroleum-based fuels.

Voigt pioneers field of synthetic biology

Christopher A. Voigt, PhD, UCSF School of Pharmacy scientist, and colleagues are engineering bacteria to target tumors and create images.