Topics and Expertise: Drug Discovery

School of Pharmacy scientists unearth a new target for treating Parkinson’s disease

Scientists in the UCSF School of Pharmacy recently identified the first drug-binding target site on a molecule known to play a role in Parkinson's disease, opening the door to a new generation of therapies for the condition.

Creating an inexhaustible database for drug molecules

School of Pharmacy researchers helped a free public database of potential drug molecules grow 100-fold.

Fraser appointed to Bowes Biomedical Investigator Program

Fraser developed several new tools for creating maps of macromolecules, a critical first step for finding new drugs.

Keiser receives $2.5 million to apply machine learning towards new therapies for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

Michael Keiser, PhD, received a Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Award from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which will fund his research into novel therapies for neurodegeneration.

School of Pharmacy emeriti Kollman, Kuntz, and Langridge honored with UCSF Medal

Drug discovery today begins with computation rather than test tube experimentation. Three School of Pharmacy faculty emeriti, Robert Langridge, Irwin “Tack” Kuntz, and the late Peter Kollman, were awarded the UCSF Medal for creating computational tools for drug discovery that are now used worldwide.

Showcasing School science and change at Alumni Weekend 2018

Sessions include: quickly identifying molecules that show potential as drugs; improving access and treatments for AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis; why curiosity and imagination are taking the place of memorization the PharmD curriculum. Honoring the Class of 1968. Kennedy receives Distinguished...

Seiple named a 2018 Beckman Young Investigator

The Beckman Young Investigator award provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences.

Prien and MacWilliam bequests establish new endowed professorships

The UCSF School of Pharmacy has established new endowed faculty positions to be held by the chairs of two School departments.

Three generations reflect shifts in nation, pharmacy profession

When Megan Lau donned her white coat with fellow student pharmacists in the incoming class of 2020 last week, it was more than your standard rite of professional passage.
