Categories: Research

Renewed funding for Aweeka study on malaria treatment for children with HIV in Africa

Fran Aweeka, PharmD, will receive renewed funding for her grant from the National Institutes of Health for evaluating the pharmacology of antimalarial drugs in children in Africa. This is a renewal of her R01 on this important work, and will provide five years of funding for Aweeka and her...

Aweeka study details impact of HIV drugs on malaria treatment in children

Sub-Saharan Africa is home to a billion people and to overlapping health burdens, including the world’s highest rates of both malaria and HIV infection.

Shoichet co-led research develops safer, potentially less addictive painkiller

Research co-led by UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member Brian Shoichet, PhD, has developed a new opioid drug candidate that blocks pain as effectively as morphine in mice, without triggering dangerous side effects, and also apparently without the addictive properties of current prescription...
