Categories: Research

Finding better ways to reduce serious drug side effects

Many of the medicines we depend on to treat disease—and even to save our lives—pose potentially serious risks along with their benefits. Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that about 40,000 deaths yearly in the United States may be attributable to the side...

Grants and Fellowships: Spring 2017

Pharmaceutical Chemistry department members have received the following grants and fellowships between April and June 2017:

Grad Slam 2017 winners

The third annual Grad Slam, held March 16, featured 10 UCSF graduate students competing to inform and entertain with three-minute science talks based on their own research. Their subjects ranged from the genetics of aging to the rewiring of injured neural circuits to spinal changes in astronauts.

Craik elected member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Charles S. Craik, PhD, joins the 237th class of newly elected members of the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences who will be inducted on October 7, 2017 at a ceremony in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Publication highlight: Ho’s Nature paper highlighted by Nature Reviews MCB and Developmental Cell

Biophysics student Ted Ho’s Nature paper has been highlighted in this UCSF news article as well as by Nature Reviews MCB and Developmental Cell.


UCSF Researchers Find Key to ‘Tired’ Blood and Immune Systems

Desai keynotes BioEHSC 2017

Professor and department chair Tejal Desai, PhD, had the honor of keynoting the 2017 Bioengineering High School Competition (BioEHSC) held recently at UC Berkeley. BioEHSC is hosted annually by the Bioengineering Honor Society (BioEHS) at Berkeley.

Huang is 2017 Li Foundation Fellow

The UCSF Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences is pleased to announce the selection of Xiao Huang, PhD, as our 2017 Li Foundation Fellow. In addition to the prestige of the award, the selection carries a $31,500 stipend.

UCSF School of Pharmacy leads in NIH funding for 37th year in a row

For the 37th consecutive year, the UCSF School of Pharmacy has received more funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) than any other pharmacy school in the United States. School researchers were awarded $28.2 million in grants during NIH’s 2016 fiscal year, from October 1, 2015 to...
