Topics and Expertise: computational biology

Diego Calderon, PhD

Assistant Professor

My lab studies how DNA is translated into life and how genetic mutations can lead to disease using cutting-edge computational and experimental techniques. Recently, I have been excited to apply deep learning and other machine learning approaches to interpret results from massively parallel reporter...

Kortemme named new vice dean of research

Computational biology and protein engineering expert will focus on cultivating collaboration.

Prien and MacWilliam bequests establish new endowed professorships

The UCSF School of Pharmacy has established new endowed faculty positions to be held by the chairs of two School departments.

Shoichet receives DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences

Brian Shoichet, PhD, faculty member in the School’s Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, has been named the 2017 recipient of the DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences.

Fischbach joins project to generate drugs from bacterial genomes

Bacteria generate small molecules to fend off their fellow microbes. They also produce molecules that affect the response of host organisms—including humans—to their presence. Such molecules have been a major source of antibiotics, immunosuppressants, anti-cancer agents, and other drugs.

Study discovers simple rules underlying complex brain development in fly

How does brain circuitry organize itself during development? In at least one case—the seemingly complex visual system of the fruit fly, which connects its 800-facet compound eyes to its brain—the answer lies in just three simple rules.

Ryan Hernandez, PhD


I am a professor studying patterns of human genetic variation from global populations using large-scale whole genome sequencing data in order to understand genetic susceptibility to disease and drug response.

Reflection: 30 years of top NIH funding for UCSF School of Pharmacy

Table of contents

Budget significance
Reasons for past success
A decade of funding for bioinformatics
New drug discovery directions attract support

Kortemme named Sloan Fellow

UCSF School of Pharmacy scientist Tanja Kortemme, PhD, is a 2005 recipient of the prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship awarded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.