School of Pharmacy

Study details how California pharmacies could expand naloxone access

“Naloxone saves lives,” says Andy Nguyen. But to work it must be given on a moment's notice.

Shipman receives NIH Director’s New Innovator Award

Award funds research into tools for repairing mutations in mitochondrial DNA

Bioartificial kidney aims to mimic natural kidney function with $1 million grant from the John and Marcia Goldman Foundation

“People struggling with dialysis need and deserve better choices,” said the founders of the foundation.

The Dance of Death: How the kinase RIPK3 triggers cell killing by the pseudokinase MLKL: a QBI seminar with James Murphy

The QBI Online Seminar Series presents James Murphy, the head of the Inflammation Division at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia.

Development Under Stress - Finding New Ubiquitylation Enzymes for Therapeutic Benefit: a QBI/Gladstone seminar with Michael Rape

The QBI/Gladstone Institutes Infectious Disease and Human Health Seminar Series presents a seminar with Michael Rape of the University of California Berkeley.

Second Annual QBI/Institut Pasteur Symposium on Infectious Disease

Organized by Drs. Nevan Krogan, Shaeri Mukherjee, Gerald Spaeth, Carmen Buchreiser, and Julia Chamot-Rooke, the Second Annual QBI/Institut Pasteur Symposium on Infectious Disease will be held online in a two-part series on October 13 and 14 from 8:00 am - 10:30 am PDT.

Five Clinical Pharmacy faculty members are recognized for their efforts in education

School faculty members honored for their commitment to the next generation of pharmacists

Office of Education and Instructional Services receives Boyden Staff Service Award

Sixteen School of Pharmacy staff members were recognized for their ongoing work supporting the PharmD program

Danica Fujimori Receives Bowes Biomedical Investigator Award

Danica Galonić Fujimori, PhD, will receive $1.25 million in funding over the next five years from the endowment of the late William K. Bowes, Jr., a venture capitalist and longtime UCSF supporter.
