School of Pharmacy

Youmans named first associate dean of diversity

Sharon L. Youmans, PharmD, MPH, UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member, has been named to the new position of Associate Dean of Diversity.

Use of amyloid inhibitors cautioned

Brian Shoichet, PhD, School of Pharmacy faculty member and Brian Feng, PhD, former staff research associate with the School, and colleagues have discovered that many amyloid inhibitors, which scientists had hoped would keep "sticky" amyloid protein fibers such as those associate

Threat of drug-resistant MRSA increasing


Sali and colleagues advance understanding of proteins

School of Pharmacy faculty member and computational biologist Andrej Sali, PhD, and international colleagues have developed new techniques to reveal the architecture of large protein complexes within cells. Their ultimate goal is to see how these complexes interact in real time—however fleeting the...

Kroetz uses pharmacogenetics to determine the best treatment options for leukemia patients

Some leukemia cells supercharge cell pumps to get rid of chemotherapy. UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member and pharmacogenetics researcher Deanna Kroetz, PhD, is aiming toward a simple way to identify these tumors, select the best treatment and avoid complications.

Wilson looks at the economics of health

Health economist Leslie Wilson, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, studies the ratio of cost to benefit, the benefit alone, or the cost alone of health treatments, educational interventions, and other activities that can ultimately impact a patient's health.

Burchard explores asthma risk in Latinos

What began as a fascination with fish when he was a child eventually led Esteban Burchard, MD to study genetic differences behind asthma risk.

UCSF student pharmacists teach science to 5th-graders

UCSF student pharmacists relate science to the everyday lives of 5th-graders at San Francisco’s Rosa Parks Elementary School through a special program now in its second year.

Benet delivers distinguished lecture

Leslie Z. Benet, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy delivered the Seventh Distinguished Clinical Research Lecture to the UCSF faculty on October 17, 2007 on UCSF's Parnassus campus.

Ferrin uses computation and computers to understand molecules

Tom Ferrin, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, is an expert in the use of computation and computer-generated images and simulations of biological molecules to understand how molecules act and interact.
