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Burchard joins discussion on race and ethnicity
By UCSF School of Pharmacy Editorial Staff / Tue Jan 19, 2010
Esteban G. Burchard, MD, MPH, a UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member, explains the differences between race and ethnicity and the promise that greater genetic knowledge holds for addressing disease during a panel discussion on National Public Radio, Science Friday that aired January 15, 2010. Burchard is an expert on the genetics of asthma and differing responses to asthma treatment among racially diverse populations. The panel discussion was hosted by Ira Flatow. Other panelists were Pilar N. Ossorio, associate professor of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin; and Alan Goodman, past president of the American Anthropological Association, and co-director of the The Race Project.
Radio program
Is there a biological basis for race?
Running time: 35 minutes
School of Pharmacy, Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, PharmD Degree Program, QBC, PSPG
About the School: The UCSF School of Pharmacy aims to solve the most pressing health care problems and strives to ensure that each patient receives the safest, most effective treatments. Our discoveries seed the development of novel therapies, and our researchers consistently lead the nation in NIH funding. The School’s doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree program, with its unique emphasis on scientific thinking, prepares students to be critical thinkers and leaders in their field.