PharmD Degree Program

Governor eliminates California’s Poison Control Service

San Francisco, CA (May 20, 2009)—Funding for poison control services has been completely eliminated from the California state budget. Beginning in September of 2009, California will become the only state in the nation without any emergency poison control services for residents or medical...

UCSF welcomes Chancellor Desmond-Hellmann

Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, pioneering cancer researcher and biotechnology industry executive who most recently served as president of product development for the biotechnology company, Genentech, Inc., was named chancellor of UCSF

Hertema honored with service award

Heather Hertema, third-year UCSF School of Pharmacy student pharmacist, is the 2009 student recipient of the Chancellor's Award for Public Service.

Applying pharmacy school training to blindness prevention in India

Ashish Patel, a 4th-year University of California, San Francisco student pharmacist, is one of the next generation of pharmacists choosing to apply his training and expertise globally in new ways.

Imaging lab translates work to patient care

Research under way at UCSF's Margaret Hart Surbeck Laboratory for Advanced Imaging applies powerful, non-invasive equipment to better understand disease and improve disease treatments. "Our overall focus is to develop new imaging techniques and apply basic engineering to biology- and disease-...

New Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences

The UCSF Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, which is UCSF's first department administered jointly by two schools, was announced today to the campus community by UCSF Chancellor J.

Study reveals how to make gasoline from yeast and bacterium

A chemical precursor molecule of gasoline can be produced from biomass and salt, according to research by UCSF School of Pharmacy's Christopher Voigt, PhD, and UCSF colleagues.

Sali to lead California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3)

Andrej Sali, PhD, faculty member and vice chair, Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences (BTS), UCSF Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy has been appointed director of the

MacDougall selected for Distinction in Teaching Award

Conan MacDougall, PharmD, UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member, will be honored April 8, 2009 with a 2008 - 2009 UCSF Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award.

Bero’s history of mentorship recognized with Luft and Academic Senate awards

Lisa Bero, PhD, UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member, is the recipient of two inaugural UCSF awards for outstanding mentorship. She is the first recipient of the Harold S.
