Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

How does Toxoplasma gondii initiate infection in a new host?: a QBI online seminar with Pascale Guiton

The QBI Online Seminar Series presents Pascale Guiton, assistant professor of biological sciences at the California State University East Bay. Pascale trained as a molecular microbiologist at Washington University in St. Louis and at Stanford University School of Medicine. Her research focuses on...

Science in the Time of Corona: Could COVID-19 change the role of conferences in science?

QBI presents Science in the Time of Corona, a live show where scientists discuss how COVID-19 has changed science. Join us for a discussion with two researchers in the QBI Coronavirus Research Group (QCRG) about the transition to online conferences that has been made necessary by COVID-19 and...

Dozens of presumed inactive ingredients may impact human biology

School scientists identify excipients with potential to cause side effects

Science in the Time of Corona: Has COVID-19 changed how women and mothers do research, and what can we learn from this?

Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) presents Science in the Time of Corona, a live show where scientists discuss how COVID-19 has changed science. Join us for a discussion with two researchers in the QBI Coronavirus Research Group (QCRG) about the unique impacts that COVID-19 has had on women...

Studying the diversification of ion channel regulation with insertional profiling: a QBI online seminar with Willow Coyote-Maestas

The QBI Seminar Series presents a seminar with Willow Coyote-Maestas, an HHMI Gilliam and NSF Graduate Fellow in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Willow received a master of science in bioinformatics and computational biology at the University...

Science in the Time of Corona: A unique Franco-American collaboration

Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) presents Science in the Time of Corona, a live show in which scientists discuss the ways that COVID-19 has changed science.

SARS-CoV-2 may spur growth of molecular “railways” out of infected cells, School scientists show

UCSF-led collaboration uncovers new avenues for COVID-19 drug discovery

Tunnels, bridges, and ferries: How bacteria move lipids between membranes: a QBI online seminar with Damian Ekiert

The QBI Online Seminar Series presents a seminar with Damian Ekiert, assistant professor for cell biology and microbiology at the NYU School of Medicine. Gram-negative bacteria are surrounded by two lipid membranes, creating a formidable barrier against the outside world.

Building a machine for secretion of bulky collagens and its application to tissue fibrosis: a QBI online seminar with Vivek Malhotra

The QBI Online Seminar Series presents a seminar with Vivek Malhotra, chair of Cell and Developmental Biology at the Centre for Genomic Regulation.
