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2007 News
Fri Dec 14, 2007

Some leukemia cells supercharge cell pumps to get rid of chemotherapy. UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member and pharmacogenetics researcher Deanna Kroetz, PhD, is aiming toward a simple way to identify these tumors, select the best treatment and avoid complications.
Full story
Wed Dec 12, 2007

Health economist Leslie Wilson, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, studies the ratio of cost to benefit, the benefit alone, or the cost alone of health treatments, educational interventions, and other activities that can ultimately impact a patient's health. One of her latest...
Wed Nov 21, 2007

What began as a fascination with fish when he was a child eventually led Esteban Burchard, MD to study genetic differences behind asthma risk. Burchard, who is a physician scientist and faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, has uncovered differences in asthma risk and medication...
Wed Oct 31, 2007

Susan Merrell
UCSF student pharmacists relate science to the everyday lives of 5th-graders at San Francisco’s Rosa Parks Elementary School through a special program now in its second year. The Rosa Parks Science Discovery Program was developed by student pharmacist Ashish Patel and implemented by Patel and his...
Thu Oct 25, 2007

Leslie Z. Benet, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy delivered the Seventh Distinguished Clinical Research Lecture to the UCSF faculty on October 17, 2007 on UCSF's Parnassus campus. The lecture is UCSF's highest recognition for excellence in clinical research. Entitled, "Clearance...
Wed Oct 24, 2007

Tom Ferrin, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, is an expert in the use of computation and computer-generated images and simulations of biological molecules to understand how molecules act and interact. He uses this knowledge to better understand biology and to solve biological...
Tue Oct 23, 2007

Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD, dean of the UCSF School of Pharmacy is the 2007 recipient of the Paul F. Parker Medal for Distinguished Service to the Profession of Pharmacy. The award was given October 14, 2007 by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy at its annual meeting in Denver, Colorado...
Tue Oct 23, 2007

Research by Nadav Ahituv, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, shows that laboratory mice that had specific sequences of their DNA removed eat, grow, and reproduce normally. The stretches of DNA deleted by Ahituv are referred to as ultraconserved DNA that have been protected...
Tue Sep 11, 2007

A research paper authored by UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member Brian Shoichet, PhD, and colleagues appeared in the September 2007 list of The Nature Top Ten. The listing includes articles most frequently downloaded from the Nature website the preceding month. The article was also featured as...
Wed Aug 1, 2007
Dear UCSF School of Pharmacy Family and Friends:
By any measure, the School is constantly moving forward. We are continually setting new goals for ourselves and working toward them. With all of this activity, it is challenging for me to condense 6 months of news and information into this message;...
Fri Jul 20, 2007
The evaluation of large amounts of biological information can help infer the function of many enzymes in the body, but for some enzymes that are not related to proteins whose activity is already understood, bioinformatics can be unreliable. Scientists at the UCSF School of Pharmacy with colleagues...
Tue Jul 3, 2007

Christopher A. Voigt, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, is studying how to engineer living systems to solve widespread problems of society, such as our dependence on petroleum-based fuels.
Learn more about Voigt's perspective on the field known as synthetic biology in Science...
Fri Jun 22, 2007
Overuse of non-prescription topical creams that contain methyl salicylate, such as liniments used to soothe sore muscles, can be a health hazard, warns Thomas E. Kearney, PharmD, UCSF school of pharmacy faculty member, in response to the reported methyl salicylate-related death of a New York City...
Fri Jun 22, 2007
The California Poison Control System (CPCS), which is administered by the UCSF School of Pharmacy, has won the 2007 International Award of Excellence from the Medical Marketing Association and the Coalition for Healthcare Communicators. The award recognizes the CPCS's consumer marketing campaign...
Mon Jun 11, 2007
A computer model can now give scientists clues about how different chemicals could be attracted to each other and form more complicated molecules. This information, in turn, could shed light on how the universe was formed and how life emerged. The model was developed by Ken Dill, PhD, UCSF School...
Mon Jun 11, 2007
Published results of drug trials sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry are more likely than trials not sponsored by the industry to favor drug over placebo, according to
Lisa Bero, PhD and Kirby Lee, PharmD, UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty members;
Peter Bacchetti, PhD, a UCSF School of...
Tue May 1, 2007

Increasing resistance to antimicrobial drugs and a shortage of new antimicrobial drugs call for new ways to use them wisely. This is especially true in hospitals and medical centers where bacteria are prominent and can be easily spread. A model management program at the UCSF Medical Center, which...
Tue Apr 17, 2007
An inaugural Legislative Day will be held in San Francisco on Friday, April 20, 2007 to fuel interest among UCSF School of Pharmacy students to become politically involved in pharmacy-related issues. Featured activities include a presentation, on the UCSF Parnassus campus, by California State...
Mon Apr 2, 2007
Mass spectrometry technology and techniques are key to knowing the structure and function of proteins and how they act in the constantly moving highways of biological systems. Alma Burlingame, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy's department of pharmaceutical chemistry is a master of...
Mon Apr 2, 2007
The odds of finding a chemical compound that can be developed into a drug are not good, says Thomas James, PhD, chair of the UCSF School of Pharmacy's department of pharmaceutical chemistry, but those odds can be improved by university scientists.
Learn more about James' perspective on drug...
Thu Mar 1, 2007
Dear UCSF School of Pharmacy Family and Friends:
In what seems to be an increasing whirl of activities and demands here at the School, it can be easy to simply move forward at high speed. Once in a while, however, it is good for us all to stop and reflect. Such a time came recently as we mourned...
Thu Jan 25, 2007
The Strategic Opportunities Support Center (SOS Center) at UCSF is accepting inaugural proposals for projects that will carry forward the translation of research studies into clinical and human studies and eventually into community practice. The SOS Center is co-directed by UCSF faculty members...
Mon Jan 22, 2007

Jere Goyan, PhD, former dean of the UCSF School of Pharmacy and former commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration died on January 17, 2007 in his home in Kingwood, Texas. “Jere was a beloved colleague who had tremendous influence on pharmacy education and science. He led the...
Mon Jan 22, 2007
A new California law, effective January 5, 2007, is designed to give pharmacists more time to work directly with patients to ensure greater medication safety by allowing specially trained technicians to assume time-consuming tasks of filling and checking prescriptions. Research led by the UCSF...