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Jennifer Cocohoba, PharmD, MAS
McKesson Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology
Vice Chair of Faculty Development
Phone: +1 415 514-0892
Fax: +1 415 476-6632
521 Parnassus Avenue, Rm 3301
UCSF Box 0622
San Francisco, CA 94117
United States Links
Education programs
UCSF centers, institutes, and research programs
Clinical Pharmacist, Women’s HIV Program (WHP)
What I do
I am a clinical pharmacist scientist with research interests around medication use in people with HIV, interventions to improve adherence, and pharmacy-based programs to improve the care of people with HIV. As Vice Chair of Faculty Development, I meet regularly with early career faculty and help raise department awareness regarding upcoming professional development opportunities.
Departmental research area
My research expertise
HIV, health disparities, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacy practice, medication adherence, implementation science
Clinical expertise
Professional background
MAS, Clinical Research, University of California, San Francisco, 2008
PharmD, University of California, San Francisco, 2001
Licensure and certifications
Certificate, Geographic Information Sciences, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, 2013
Certificate in Implementation and Dissemination Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, 2012
HIV Expert (AAHIVE), American Academy of HIV Medicine, 2008
Licentiate in Pharmacy, California State Board of Pharmacy, 2002
Dr. Cocohoba is a Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of California San Francisco. She specializes in HIV/AIDS Ambulatory Care and serves as the clinical pharmacist for the UCSF Womens’ HIV Program (WHP) where she optimizes antiretroviral therapy, patient adherence, conducts chronic disease management, and opioid stewardship. She serves as a faculty advisor and research mentor for the Mabuhay Health Center, a UCSF student-service learning experience. Dr. Cocohoba conducts research on pharmacy-based interventions to improve medication adherence and access, patterns of medication use in persons with HIV, sex-related HIV treatment disparities, patient/provider communication, and on health of Filipino-Americans.
Research keywords
- women
- Implementation Science
- Medication Therapy Management
- opioid
- adherence
- Hospital Medication Systems
- medication adherence
- Qualitative Research
- Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
- pharmacists
- HIV Integrase Inhibitors
- Community Pharmacy Services
- Pyrrolidinones
- Eye Diseases
- Anti-HIV Agents
- HIV Seropositivity
- Oral Contraceptives, Hormonal
- pharmaceutical services
- HIV Infections
- Gastric Bypass
1. | Fellow, California Society of Health System Pharmacists, 2012 |
Jiro MC, Sigua M, Dio M, Hennein L, Cocohoba J. Experiences of older adult Filipino-Americans surrounding eye surgery and factors in health decision-making: a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024 Dec 18; 24(1):1599. |
Celeste Noelle Bustria, Finan Yohannes, Jennifer Cocohoba, Lee Nguyen, Nimish Patel, Parya Saberi. Assessing pharmacy students' HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prescribing knowledge, PrEP attitudes, and HIV-related stigma. JACCP JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CLINICAL PHARMACY. 2024 Nov 6. |
Jennifer Cocohoba, Jerika Lam, Maria Lopez, Betty J. Dong. A tale of two bills: Lessons learned in expanding pharmacist-led HIV pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis. JACCP JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CLINICAL PHARMACY. 2024 Oct 8; 7(10):982-983. |
Lahiri CD, Mehta CC, Yang Q, Maramba T, Musonge-Effoe J, Yang CA, Dumond JB, Alcaide ML, Lake JE, Rubin LH, French AL, Cocohoba J, Kassaye SG, Sharma A, Palella FJ, Mellors J, Konkle-Parker D, Topper E, Augenbraun M, Ali MK, Sheth AN, Ziegler TR, Ofotokun I, Alvarez JA. "Short and Long-term Body Weight Change Following the Switch to or the Addition of Integrase Inhibitors in Persons with HIV Differs by Sex". Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Sep 26. |
Lam J, Cocohoba J. At a crossroads: The crucial role of pharmacists in healthcare teams to end the HIV epidemic. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2024 Sep 26. |
Jennifer Cocohoba, Lauren Tweedie, Michael Frank, Brad McElya, Ed Witt. Legislation expanding pharmacist scope of practice to furnish HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: a content analysis. JACCP JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CLINICAL PHARMACY. 2023 Dec 7. |
Cecile D Lahiri, Julie B Dumond, Cyra Christina Mehta, Qian Yang, Anandi N Sheth, Igho Ofotokun, Craig Sykes, Mattie Hartauer, Adrian Khoei, Maria L L Alcaide, Jordan Lake, Leah H Rubin, Deborah Konkle-Parker, Adaora A Adimora, Elizabeth F Topper, Audrey L French, Jennifer Cocohoba, Seble Kassaye, Michael Augenbraun, Anjali Sharma, Phyllis C Tien. 1987. "Association Between Integrase Inhibitor Plasma Concentrations and Body Weight Gain in Women Living with HIV". Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2023 Nov 27; 10(Supplement_2):ofad500.114. |
Jennifer Cocohoba. The Pharmacist’s Role in HIV Care. Fundamentals of HIV Medicine 2023. 2023 Sep 1; 166-c15p79. |
Fleming M, Lee D, Oranu C, Schommer JC, Cocohoba J, Cooper J, Hodge CK, Nedjat S, Borgmann K. Positive Changes in Safety Perception Among Blacks with HIV and Comorbidities: Assessment of Social Determinants of Health During COVID-19. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2024 06; 11(3):1578-1586. |
Sahota H, Guzman S, Tordera L, Chan M, Cocohoba J, Saberi P. Pharmacy Deserts and Pharmacies' Roles Post-Extreme Weather and Climate Events in the United States: A Scoping Review. J Prim Care Community Health. 2023 Jan-Dec; 14:21501319231186497. |
Metz VE, Leibowitz A, Satre DD, Parthasarathy S, Jackson-Morris M, Cocohoba J, Sterling SA. Effectiveness of a pharmacist-delivered primary care telemedicine intervention to increase access to pharmacotherapy and specialty treatment for alcohol use problems: Protocol for the alcohol telemedicine consult cluster-randomized pragmatic trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2022 12; 123:107004. |
Jiro MC, Sigua M, Ivey SL, Maus M, Hennein L, Dio M, Cocohoba J. Ang Ating Mata: Disparities in Eye Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices among Older Adult Filipino-Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area Counties. J Immigr Minor Health. 2023 Feb; 25(1):104-114. |
Kaip EA, Nguyen NY, Cocohoba JM. Antiretroviral Therapy Efficacy Post-Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery: A Case Series of Persons Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Obes Surg. 2022 05; 32(5):1523-1530. |
Beatty AL, Peyser ND, Butcher XE, Cocohoba JM, Lin F, Olgin JE, Pletcher MJ, Marcus GM. Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Type and Adverse Effects Following Vaccination. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 12 01; 4(12):e2140364. |
Edmonds A, Breskin A, Cole SR, Westreich D, Ramirez C, Cocohoba J, Wingood G, Cohen MH, Golub ET, Kassaye SG, Metsch LR, Sharma A, Konkle-Parker D, Wilson TE, Adimora AA. Poverty, Deprivation, and Mortality Risk Among Women With HIV in the United States. Epidemiology. 2021 11 01; 32(6):877-885. |
Philbin MM, Bergen S, Parish C, Kerrigan D, Kinnard EN, Reed S, Cohen MH, Sosanya O, Sheth AN, Adimora AA, Cocohoba J, Goparaju L, Golub ET, Vaughn M, Gutierrez JI, Fischl MA, Alcaide M, Metsch LR. Long-Acting Injectable ART and PrEP Among Women in Six Cities Across the United States: A Qualitative Analysis of Who Would Benefit the Most. AIDS Behav. 2022 Apr; 26(4):1260-1269. |
Chandran A, Bhondoekhan F, Wilson TE, Milam J, Cohen MH, Adimora AA, Adedimeji A, Cocohoba J, Parish C, Holstad M, Kassaye S, Kempf MC. Intensity of Social Support Matters: A Latent Class Analysis to Identify Levels of Social Support Associated with Optimal Health Outcomes Among Women Living with HIV. AIDS Behav. 2022 Jan; 26(1):243-251. |
Jennifer Cocohoba. The Pharmacist’s Role in HIV Care. . 2021 Jun 1; 153-159. |
Breskin A, Edmonds A, Cole SR, Westreich D, Cocohoba J, Cohen MH, Kassaye SG, Metsch LR, Sharma A, Williams MS, Adimora AA. Corrigendum to: G-computation for policy-relevant effects of interventions on time-to-event outcomes. Int J Epidemiol. 2021 May 17; 50(2):701. |
Schnittman SR, Zepf R, Cocohoba J, Sears D. Brief Report: Heplisav-B Seroprotection in People With HIV: A Single-Center Experience. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 04 01; 86(4):445-449. |
Sánchez SA, Ramay BM, Zook J, de Leon O, Peralta R, Juarez J, Cocohoba J. Toward improved adherence: a text message intervention in an human immunodeficiency virus pediatric clinic in Guatemala City. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Mar 12; 100(10):e24867. |
Philbin MM, Parish C, Kinnard EN, Reed SE, Kerrigan D, Alcaide ML, Cohen MH, Sosanya O, Sheth AN, Adimora AA, Cocohoba J, Goparaju L, Golub ET, Fischl M, Metsch LR. Interest in Long-Acting Injectable Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (LAI PrEP) Among Women in the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS): A Qualitative Study Across Six Cities in the United States. AIDS Behav. 2021 Mar; 25(3):667-678. |
Susan Chang, Marilyn Stebbins, Edward A. Witt, Heather Kirkham, Troy Santos, Jennifer Cocohoba. Medication-related problems in chronic inflammatory conditions: a pharmacy claims and electronic health record analysis. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2021 Feb 1. |
Breskin A, Edmonds A, Cole SR, Westreich D, Cocohoba J, Cohen MH, Kassaye SG, Metsch LR, Sharma A, Williams MS, Adimora AA. G-computation for policy-relevant effects of interventions on time-to-event outcomes. Int J Epidemiol. 2021 01 23; 49(6):2021-2029. |
Philbin MM, Parish C, Bergen S, Kerrigan D, Kinnard EN, Reed SE, Cohen MH, Sosanya O, Sheth AN, Adimora AA, Cocohoba J, Goparaju L, Golub ET, Fischl M, Alcaide ML, Metsch LR. A Qualitative Exploration of Women's Interest in Long-Acting Injectable Antiretroviral Therapy Across Six Cities in the Women's Interagency HIV Study: Intersections with Current and Past Injectable Medication and Substance Use. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2021 01; 35(1):23-30. |
Jason J Schafer, Neha S Pandit, Agnes Cha, Emily Huesgen, Melissa E Badowski, Elizabeth Sherman, Jennifer Cocohoba, Ayako Shimada, Scott Keith. 1044. The Incidence and Severity of Drug interactions Before and After Switching Antiretroviral Therapy to Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide in Treatment Experienced Patients. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2020 Dec 31; 7(Suppl 1):s551-s552. |
Samuel Schnittman, Roland Zepf, Jennifer Cocohoba, David Sears. 21. Current and Nadir CD4+ Counts Are Associated with Heplisav-B Seroprotection Rates in People with HIV. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2020 Dec 31; 7(Suppl 1):s33-s35. |
Schafer JJ, Pandit NS, Cha A, Huesgen E, Badowski M, Sherman EM, Cocohoba J, Shimada A, Keith SW. Incidence and Severity of Drug Interactions Before and After Switching Antiretroviral Therapy to Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide in Treatment-Experienced Patients. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Jan; 8(1):ofaa625. |
Summers NA, Lahiri CD, Angert CD, Aldredge A, Mehta CC, Ofotokun I, Kerchberger AM, Gustafson D, Weiser SD, Kassaye S, Konkle-Parker D, Sharma A, Adimora AA, Bolivar H, Cocohoba J, French AL, Golub ET, Sheth AN. Metabolic Changes Associated With the Use of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors Among Virally Controlled Women. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 11 01; 85(3):355-362. |
Kerchberger AM, Sheth AN, Angert CD, Mehta CC, Summers NA, Ofotokun I, Gustafson D, Weiser SD, Sharma A, Adimora AA, French AL, Augenbraun M, Cocohoba J, Kassaye S, Bolivar H, Govindarajulu U, Konkle-Parker D, Golub ET, Lahiri CD. Weight Gain Associated With Integrase Stand Transfer Inhibitor Use in Women. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 07 27; 71(3):593-600. |
Philbin MM, Parish CL, Kinnard EN, Reed SE, Kerrigan D, Alcaide ML, Cohen MH, Sosanya O, Sheth AN, Adimora AA, Cocohoba J, Goparaju L, Golub ET, Fischl M, Metsch LR. Multisite Study of Women Living With HIV's Perceived Barriers to, and Interest in, Long-Acting Injectable Antiretroviral Therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 07 01; 84(3):263-270. |
Cope AB, Edmonds A, Ludema C, Cole SR, Eron JJ, Anastos K, Cocohoba J, Cohen M, Ofotokun I, Golub ET, Kassaye S, Konkle-Parker D, Metsch LR, Wilson TE, Adimora AA. Neighborhood Poverty and Control of HIV, Hypertension, and Diabetes in the Women's Interagency HIV Study. AIDS Behav. 2020 Jul; 24(7):2033-2044. |
Mills JC, Pence BW, Edmonds A, Adedimeji A, Schwartz RM, Kassaye S, Cocohoba J, Cohen MH, Neigh G, Fischl MA, Kempf MC, Adimora AA. The Impact of Cumulative Depression Along the HIV Care Continuum in Women Living With HIV During the Era of Universal Antiretroviral Treatment. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 11 01; 82(3):225-233. |
Tamraz B, Reisner L, French AL, King ST, Fischl MA, Ofotokun I, Kashuba A, Milam J, Murphy K, Augenbraun M, Liu C, Finley PR, Aouizerat B, Cocohoba J, Gange S, Bacchetti P, Greenblatt RM. Association between Use of Methadone, Other Central Nervous System Depressants, and QTc Interval-Prolonging Medications and Risk of Mortality in a Large Cohort of Women Living with or at Risk for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Pharmacotherapy. 2019 09; 39(9):899-911. |
Lopez MI, Cocohoba J, Cohen SE, Trainor N, Levy MM, Dong BJ. Implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis at a community pharmacy through a collaborative practice agreement with San Francisco Department of Public Health. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2020 Jan - Feb; 60(1):138-144. |
Chandran A, Benning L, Musci RJ, Wilson TE, Milam J, Adedimeji A, Parish C, Adimora AA, Cocohoba J, Cohen MH, Holstad M, Kassaye S, Kempf MC, Golub ET. The Longitudinal Association between Social Support on HIV Medication Adherence and Healthcare Utilization in the Women's Interagency HIV Study. AIDS Behav. 2019 Aug; 23(8):2014-2024. |
Jennifer Cocohoba. The Pharmacist’s Role in Caring for HIV-Positive Individuals. . 2019 Aug 1; 183-188. |
Cuca YP, Shumway M, Machtinger EL, Davis K, Khanna N, Cocohoba J, Dawson-Rose C. The Association of Trauma with the Physical, Behavioral, and Social Health of Women Living with HIV: Pathways to Guide Trauma-informed Health Care Interventions. Womens Health Issues. 2019 Sep - Oct; 29(5):376-384. |
Cocohoba J, Pohlman B, Tran JS, Kirkham H, Joyce C, Clark K, Stebbins M. Modeling specialty medicine access: Understanding key health system processes and players. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2019 Jan - Feb; 59(1):43-50.e3. |
Mills JC, Pence BW, Todd JV, Bengtson AM, Breger TL, Edmonds A, Cook RL, Adedimeji A, Schwartz RM, Kassaye S, Milam J, Cocohoba J, Cohen M, Golub E, Neigh G, Fischl M, Kempf MC, Adimora AA. Cumulative Burden of Depression and All-Cause Mortality in Women Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 10 30; 67(10):1575-1581. |
Ly W, Cocohoba J, Chyorny A, Halpern J, Auerswald C, Myers J. Perspectives on Integrated HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Testing Among Persons Entering a Northern California Jail: A Pilot Study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 06 01; 78(2):214-220. |
Jennifer M. Cocohoba, Betty J. Dong. Chapter 11: HIV Primary Care. HIV Pharmacotherapy: The Pharmacist’s Role in Care and Treatment. 2017 Nov 1; 221-241. |
Todd JV, Cole SR, Wohl DA, Simpson RJ, Jonsson Funk M, Brookhart MA, Cocohoba J, Merenstein D, Sharma A, Lazar J, Milam J, Cohen M, Gange S, Lewis TT, Burkholder G, Adimora AA. Underutilization of Statins When Indicated in HIV-Seropositive and Seronegative Women. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2017 Nov; 31(11):447-454. |
Dong BJ, Lopez M, Cocohoba J. Pharmacists performing hepatitis C antibody point-of-care screening in a community pharmacy: A pilot project. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2017 Jul - Aug; 57(4):510-515.e2. |
Ludema C, Cole SR, Eron JJ, Holmes GM, Anastos K, Cocohoba J, Cohen MH, Cooper HLF, Golub ET, Kassaye S, Konkle-Parker D, Metsch L, Milam J, Wilson TE, Adimora AA. Health Insurance Type and Control of Hypertension Among US Women Living With and Without HIV Infection in the Women's Interagency HIV Study. Am J Hypertens. 2017 Jun 01; 30(6):594-601. |
Empson S, Cuca YP, Cocohoba J, Dawson-Rose C, Davis K, Machtinger EL. Seeking Safety Group Therapy for Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder and PTSD among Transgender Women Living with HIV: A Pilot Study. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2017 Sep-Oct; 49(4):344-351. |
Ludema C, Cole SR, Eron JJ, Edmonds A, Holmes GM, Anastos K, Cocohoba J, Cohen M, Cooper HL, Golub ET, Kassaye S, Konkle-Parker D, Metsch L, Milam J, Wilson TE, Adimora AA. Impact of Health Insurance, ADAP, and Income on HIV Viral Suppression Among US Women in the Women's Interagency HIV Study, 2006-2009. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016 11 01; 73(3):307-312. |
Hanna DB, Jung M, Xue X, Anastos K, Cocohoba JM, Cohen MH, Golub ET, Hessol NA, Levine AM, Wilson TE, Young MA, Kaplan RC. Trends in Nonlipid Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Management in the Women's Interagency HIV Study and Association with Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2016 10; 30(10):445-454. |
Cocohoba J. Pharmacists caring for transgender persons. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2017 02 01; 74(3):170-174. |
Corelli RL, Muchnik MA, Beechinor RJ, Fong G, Vogt EM, Cocohoba JM, Tsourounis C, Hudmon KS. Perceptions and Cost-Analysis of a Multiple Mini-Interview in a Pharmacy School Admissions Process. Am J Pharm Educ. 2015 Nov 25; 79(9):135. |
Jennifer Cocohoba. HIV in the United States: a pharmacy perspective. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research. 2014 Dec 1; 44(4):177-178. |
Cook JA, Burke-Miller JK, Grey DD, Cocohoba J, Liu C, Schwartz RM, Golub ET, Anastos K, Steigman PJ, Cohen MH. Do HIV-positive women receive depression treatment that meets best practice guidelines? AIDS Behav. 2014 Jun; 18(6):1094-102. |
Hanna DB, Hessol NA, Golub ET, Cocohoba JM, Cohen MH, Levine AM, Wilson TE, Young M, Anastos K, Kaplan RC. Increase in single-tablet regimen use and associated improvements in adherence-related outcomes in HIV-infected women. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 Apr 15; 65(5):587-96. |
Cocohoba J, Dong BJ, Johnson MO, Saberi P. Reporting of critical information in studies of pharmacists in HIV care. Int J Pharm Pract. 2014 Dec; 22(6):375-85. |
Cocohoba J, Comfort M, Kianfar H, Johnson MO. A qualitative study examining HIV antiretroviral adherence counseling and support in community pharmacies. J Manag Care Pharm. 2013 Jul-Aug; 19(6):454-60. |
Cocohoba JM, Murphy P, Pietrandoni G, Guglielmo BJ. Improved antiretroviral refill adherence in HIV-focused community pharmacies. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2012 Sep-Oct; 52(5):e67-73. |
Murphy P, Cocohoba J, Tang A, Pietrandoni G, Hou J, Guglielmo BJ. Impact of HIV-specialized pharmacies on adherence and persistence with antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2012 Sep; 26(9):526-31. |
Cocohoba JM, Althoff KN, Cohen M, Hu H, Cunningham CO, Sharma A, Greenblatt RM. Pharmacist counseling in a cohort of women with HIV and women at risk for HIV. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2012; 6:457-63. |
Saberi P, Dong BJ, Johnson MO, Greenblatt RM, Cocohoba JM. The impact of HIV clinical pharmacists on HIV treatment outcomes: a systematic review. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2012; 6:297-322. |
Sherman EM, Cocohoba JM, Neff SE, Dong BJ. Health care provider satisfaction with telephone consultations provided by pharmacists and physicians at the National HIV/AIDS Clinicians' Consultation Center. Ann Pharmacother. 2011 Dec; 45(12):1499-505. |
Cocohoba J. Making sense of side effects. BETA. 2011 Fall-Winter; 23(4):19-29. |
Cocohoba JM, Althoff KN, Godfrey R, Palella FJ, Greenblatt RM. Influence of gender on receipt of guideline-based antiretroviral therapy in the era of HAART. AIDS Care. 2012; 24(1):20-9. |
Lao CK, Gruta C, John MD, Cocohoba J. A comparison of tenofovir-associated renal function changes in HIV-infected African Americans vs Caucasians. J Natl Med Assoc. 2011 Jun; 103(6):518-22. |
Elizabeth M. Sherman, Jennifer M. Cocohoba, Betty J. Dong. Raltegravir Intensification Therapy in Two Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients with Undetectable Viremia and Discordant CD4+ Response. Pharmacotherapy The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy. 2011 May 1; 31(5):525-525. |
Yi T, Cocohoba J, Cohen M, Anastos K, DeHovitz JA, Kono N, Hanna DB, Hessol NA. The impact of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) on use of highly active antiretroviral and antihypertensive therapy among HIV-infected women. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2011 Mar 01; 56(3):253-62. |
Cocohoba J, Hsu T, Greenblatt RM. Community Pharmacy Use Patterns of Women with HIV and Women At Risk for HIV in the San Francisco Bay Area. J Pharm Technol. 2010 Sep-Oct; 26(5):271-275. |
Cocohoba J. Hormonal contraception for HIV positive women. BETA. 2010 Winter-Spring; 22(2):36-40. |
Cocohoba J. The SWITCHMRK studies: substitution of lopinavir/ritonavir with raltegravir in HIV-positive individuals. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2009 Dec; 7(10):1159-63. |
Cocohoba J, Ramay B, Patterson S. HIV postexposure prophylaxis availability in U.S. rural hospitals. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2008 Oct 01; 65(19):1796-7. |
Cocohoba J, Dong BJ. Raltegravir: the first HIV integrase inhibitor. Clin Ther. 2008 Oct; 30(10):1747-65. |
El-Ibiary SY, Cocohoba JM. Effects of HIV antiretrovirals on the pharmacokinetics of hormonal contraceptives. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2008 Jun; 13(2):123-32. |
Cocohoba J, Wang QJ, Cox C, Gange SJ, Cohen M, Glesby M, DeHovitz JA, Greenblatt RM. Consistency of initial antiretroviral therapy with HIV treatment guidelines in a US cohort of HIV-infected women. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008 Mar 01; 47(3):377-83. |
Robinson CA, Cocohoba J, MacDougall C, John MD, Guglielmo BJ. Discordance between ambulatory care clinic and community pharmacy medication databases for HIV-positive patients. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2007 Sep-Oct; 47(5):613-5. |
Jennifer Cocohoba, Betty J. Dong. ARV Medication Errors: Experience of a Community-Based HIV Specialty Clinic and Review of the Literature. Hospital Pharmacy. 2007 Aug 1; 42(8):720-728. |
El-Ibiary S, Cocohoba J. Refusals by pharmacists to dispense emerging contraception: a critique. Obstet Gynecol. 2006 Sep; 108(3 Pt 1):692; author reply 692-3. |
Dong BJ, Cocohoba JM. Tipranavir: a protease inhibitor for HIV salvage therapy. Ann Pharmacother. 2006 Jul-Aug; 40(7-8):1311-21. |
Graves D, Cocohoba J, Gruta C, Goldschmidt R. Potential adverse effects and inferior efficacy in ARV treatment. J Natl Med Assoc. 2004 May; 96(5):692-3; author reply 693. |
Cocohoba JM, McNicholl IR. Valganciclovir: an advance in cytomegalovirus therapeutics. Ann Pharmacother. 2002 Jun; 36(6):1075-9. |