Categories: Research

It’s in the DNA: pharmacogenetics class

In BPS 115, (Genetics and Pharmacogenetics), first year PharmD students study themselves at a genetic level using pharmacogenetic testing, and volunteer to share their data with each other. Data is aggregated for selected drug metabolizing genes-of-interest.

Manglik named 2018 Pew Biomedical Scholar

Aashish Manglik, MD, PhD, the newest member of the faculty of the UCSF School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, was named a Pew Biomedical

Seiple named a 2018 Beckman Young Investigator

The Beckman Young Investigator award provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences.

Tumor analysis, prediction of transplant complications, and management of blood potassium levels take top honors at annual seminar

The Gary Rifkind Awards recognize and celebrate clinical pharmacy research.

Data for a difference

Low-cost drug treatments can cure TB and malaria. Why, then, do these diseases claim so many lives?

Research outlines challenges for adoption of new genetic tests

Every day, on average, ten new genetic tests become commercially available to help doctors and patients make more informed decisions about health care.

Cao takes second prize in the UC Grad Slam final

Yiqi Cao, a bioengineering PhD candidate, detailed a promising solution she developed for a heart stent that doesn’t trigger scar tissue buildup.

Grants & fellowships: spring 2018

Pharmaceutical Chemistry department members have received the following grants and fellowships between April and June 2018:

5/4/2018: Bo Huang received funding from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences for his project entitled, “Structure mapping of molecular complexes by super-...
