Categories: Research

School of Pharmacy emeriti Kollman, Kuntz, and Langridge honored with UCSF Medal

Drug discovery today begins with computation rather than test tube experimentation. Three School of Pharmacy faculty emeriti, Robert Langridge, Irwin “Tack” Kuntz, and the late Peter Kollman, were awarded the UCSF Medal for creating computational tools for drug discovery that are now used worldwide.

Update from the Dean – November 2018

Curriculum transformation, An expanded role, Gaining recognition, Graduate match rate; School of Pharmacy scientists receive UCSF Medal: Founding fathers of drug discovery honored; Beyond drugs, Two artificial pancreas projects, Bringing prosthetics to patients; Beyond drugs, Two artificial...

Bringing artificial limbs to patients who need them

The patient perspective on prosthetic limbs currently doesn’t factor into the FDA approval process. Leslie Wilson and Matthew Garibaldi are surveying patient preferences to speed access to the next generation of prosthetics.

Checking in with Sourav Bandyopadhyay

Prof. Sourav Bandyopadhyay has been assiduous both in the laboratory and at his desk.

PSPG student Imperial’s work accepted in Nature Medicine

The work of Marjorie Imperial is being used as a tool to guide implementation strategies on adherence worldwide by BMGF and has initiated a technical workshop run by WHO this year. Congratulations, Marjorie!

QBI pioneers a collaborative and inclusive approach to scientific discovery

UCSF’s Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI), founded two years ago, is making waves with its unique approach to scientific collaboration, catalyzing discoveries from cancer to psychiatry while supporting female scientists and engaging with the public.

Adam Rao: Shark Tank champ

Adam Rao, MD/PhD student in Bioengineering, won the $50,000 Grand Prize at the 4th Surgical Innovations Shark Tank competition.

Grants & Fellowships: Summer 2018

Pharmaceutical Chemistry department members have received the following grants and fellowships between July and September 2018:

09/30/2018: Adam Renslo received the US Army Medical Research Activity Award, Department of Defense, for work on prostate cancer. This project will be funded for three...

The Kidney Project and the bioartificial pancreas: When inspiration strikes twice

Inspiration can be a hard thing to find. The history of science is filled with elusive “eureka moments” taking place under unlikely circumstances—Archimedes’ jump in a bath to intuit displacement, Issac Newton’s observation of a falling apple to grasp gravity, and Nikola Tesla’s inspiration for the...
