Categories: Patient Care

Lipton argues for pharmacists in the medical home

Helene Levens Lipton, PhD, faculty member in the UCSF School of Pharmacy, presents data in support of including pharmacists in the medical home model of health care. Her editorial appears in the November 23, 2009 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Medication management needs of Fresno now met by new service

A new medication management service in Fresno, California is now scheduling patient appointments to begin September 1, 2009.

Soller comments on acetaminophen

William Soller, PhD, UCSF faculty member and expert on food and drug law and regulations comments on the June 30, 2009 vote of a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee to lower the US maximum over-the-counter dose of acetaminophen and make the curren

Fate of California Poison Control System watched nationwide

Poison experts nationally are tracking the fate of the California Poison Control System, as California state legislators work to pass an already overdue budget. Operation of the System is dependent upon sufficient state funding, the prospects for which remain bleak.

California Poison Control System layoff notices predicted

Layoff notices are predicted by mid-July 2009 for California Poison Control System employees unless adequate funding for the System is both included in a new California state budget and a new budget is soon passed by the state legislature.

Impending close of California’s Poison Control System highlighted on public radio

As California legislators continued to wrangle over the details of a state budget bill, National Public Radio's Kelley Weiss covered the impact of potential cuts on the California Poison Control System.

Hessol honored for public service

Nancy Hessol, MSPH, UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member, was honored on June 10, 2009 by the City and County of San Francisco with two awards for her service to the San Francisco Public Health Foundation.

Governor eliminates California’s Poison Control Service

San Francisco, CA (May 20, 2009)—Funding for poison control services has been completely eliminated from the California state budget. Beginning in September of 2009, California will become the only state in the nation without any emergency poison control services for residents or medical...

Applying pharmacy school training to blindness prevention in India

Ashish Patel, a 4th-year University of California, San Francisco student pharmacist, is one of the next generation of pharmacists choosing to apply his training and expertise globally in new ways.

Imaging lab translates work to patient care

Research under way at UCSF's Margaret Hart Surbeck Laboratory for Advanced Imaging applies powerful, non-invasive equipment to better understand disease and improve disease treatments. "Our overall focus is to develop new imaging techniques and apply basic engineering to biology- and disease-...
