Categories: Patient Care

School to train Safeway pharmacists in smoking cessation counseling

Faculty of the UCSF School of Pharmacy will train Safeway supermarket pharmacists to help their customers quit smoking, using a curriculum originally developed at the School.

The new partnership with Safeway Inc. marks the first time a smoking cessation intervention has been applied systematically...

Child’s illness fuels lab team’s search for early-life epilepsy diagnostics

The lab of UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member Nadav Ahituv, PhD, studies how abnormalities in DNA segments that control the activity of genes could lead to diseases.

Cancer drug dosing in kids, medication-related delirium, and battery swallowing take top honors at seminar

Studies of cancer drug dosing in children, possible medication links to delirium in hospital patients, and how to decide when swallowed batteries may call for invasive removal took top honors at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy’s 14th annual Spring Research Seminar.

Self care group supports researching non-prescription access by patients to urgent and chronic care drugs

On March 22 and 23, 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a public hearing to explore the idea of switching some medications to treat chronic conditions and health emergencies from prescription to over- and behind-the-counter status.

Artificial kidney project led by Roy cited at White House panel

Speaking on a White House panel discussing President Obama's just-released Bioeconomy Blueprint, UCSF Vice Chancellor for Research Keith Yamamoto, PhD, cited the implantable bioartificial kidney project led by UCSF b

Artificial kidney project led by Roy chosen for accelerated FDA program

The effort led by UCSF bioengineer Shuvo Roy, PhD, to create an implantable artificial kidney for dialysis patients has been selected as one of the first projects to undergo more timely and collaborative review at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

MacDougall honored for pharmacy leadership at APhA annual meeting

UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member, clinical antibiotics expert, and prize-winning teacher Conan MacDougall, PharmD, is the 2012 recipient of the Albert B. Prescott / Glaxo SmithKline Pharmacy Leadership Award.

Nkansah discusses drug and alcohol interactions on Dr. Oz

In her latest appearance on The Dr. Oz Show, Nancy Nkansah, PharmD, discussed the dangers of mixing alcohol and certain medications, including prescription anti-anxiety drugs as well as some over-the-counter painkillers, antihistamines, and cough suppressants.

The HIV pharmacist: helping patients pick and stick with lifesaving drugs

How do you convince patients who feel fine to take medicines that can have major side effects?

How can you help them stay on their lifesaving daily medications for years to come despite the obstacle course of everyday life?

Study finds including unpublished FDA data alters drug effectiveness outcomes

Every year U.S. drug regulators approve dozens of new medicines as “safe and effective,” but just how effective are they? How well do they alleviate specific aspects of illness, whether light sensitivity from migraine headaches or itching from eczema?
