Strategic Plan Theme: Transformative Partnerships


7.1 To advance our education, research and clinical missions, establish transformative partnerships with national and international organizations including other academic and health institutions, governmental agencies, non-profit entities, professional organizations, and for-profit companies

  1. Conduct a needs assessment to define and prioritize transformative partnerships
  2. Outline best practices for establishing and executing transformative partnerships

7.2 Facilitate the creation and goals of partnerships with external organizations by streamlining internal policies and processes including processes for contracts, material and data transfer, intellectual property, and student/faculty exchange.

  1. Identify opportunities for improvement in current processes required for the formation of Transformative Partnerships


For feedback, updates, and other questions about this theme and its goals, contact Department of Clinical Pharmacy Interim Chair Jennifer Cocohoba, PharmD, MAS or Quantitative Biosciences Institute Director Nevan Krogan, PhD.