Strategic Plan Theme: Research


1.1 Develop the mechanistic understanding, technology, and translational strategies to find treatments for all human diseases

  1. Support and create expert-led technology centers (instrumentation and people) to lower access barriers to methodological innovations and to accelerate groundbreaking research.
  2. Build and grow collaborative teams to work on cross-cutting challenges that bridge the gap from atoms to organisms and populations.
  3. Build teams to integrate discovery, translational pharmacology and regulatory science to develop new therapeutic agents and modalities.
  4. Establish drug-focused research as a pillar of the campus precision medicine initiative

1.2 Optimize health and care delivery through clinical and health services research affecting medications, tests, devices and delivery innovations

  1. Create and support collaborations that assess the clinical effectiveness, preferences, cost-effectiveness, budget impact, and health equity impact of health technologies to inform appropriate and efficient use to achieve optimal health outcomes.
  2. Create and support collaborations that assess health policies, access to health technologies, quality of care, cost, the relationship between quality and cost, and the impact on health outcomes.

1.3 Harness and conduct research that transforms PharmD education

  1. Create a collaborative educational research hub that provides funding, support, and faculty and trainee development for conducting and disseminating educational research.
  2. Apply theory, analysis, and experimentation to solve challenges in health professions education.

1.4 Enable and reward entrepreneurship of our faculty, staff, and trainees, who found and collaborate with companies and engage in other strategic partnerships

  1. Create an environment that supports entrepreneurship and other efforts to derive societal benefit from our research discoveries, utilizing resources with SOP and QBI, advocating for beneficial changes at the university and systemwide levels, and developing new external partnerships with a resulting financial benefit to SOP, departments, laboratories and inventors.
  2. Strengthen existing partnerships and programs (such as with venture capital, philanthropy) for funding and connections to resources (such as technology centers, incubators) to facilitate product development.

1.5 Harness innovations in artificial intelligence to accelerate and integrate discovery and translational research by expanding existing strengths and through new faculty recruitment


For feedback, updates, and other questions about this theme and its goals, contact Tanja Kortemme, PhD or Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Robin Corelli, PharmD.