Topics and Expertise: neurodegeneration

Keiser receives $2.5 million to apply machine learning towards new therapies for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

Michael Keiser, PhD, received a Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Award from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which will fund his research into novel therapies for neurodegeneration.

Guo applies curiosity and collaboration to research

“There are lots of important problems. Only attack those for which you can divine simple experiments with clear answers.”—Julius Axelrod

Michelle Arkin, PhD

Department Chair and Professor

My research focuses on the development of drug-like molecules that alter important biological processes. These molecules will help us understand human biology and may lead to the design of new drugs. I also chair the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Details: Administration.

Pamela England, PhD


Research in the England Lab is broadly focused on developing and applying chemical probes to investigate the structure and function of signaling proteins implicated in fundamental biological processes and human diseases. Execution of these research projects typically involves a combination of...