Topics and Expertise: infectious disease

Aweeka: “Be More of a Global Pharmacist”

Energized from a yearlong term as global chair at England’s University of Bath, Fran Aweeka, PharmD, is embracing the challenge of finding new ways to foster international collaboration in pharmaceutical sciences.

QBI Coronavirus Research Group races toward a cure

The UCSF Quantitative Biosciences Institute has made headway identifying dozens of potential therapies for the COVID-19 outbreak.

Amelia Deitchman, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Professor

My research seeks to inform novel therapeutic strategies to cure HIV through better understanding of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of individual and combinations of candidate drugs. Based out of the UCSF Drug Research Unit (DRU), I work with a multidisciplinary team of clinicians-scientists...

MacDougall study finds severe sepsis alert speeds drug delivery

Sepsis occurs when the body responds to an infection with a mix of tissue-damaging inflammation and anti-inflammatory responses. This biological storm can lead to acute organ dysfunction (severe sepsis) and dropping blood pressure that does not respond to intravenous fluids (septic shock).

Aweeka co-leads new study of drugs to prevent malaria in young children, pregnant women

Francesca Aweeka, PharmD, a faculty member in the School’s Department of Clinical Pharmacy, will co-lead a new five-year, $3.4 million study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to address one of the world’s most vexing health problems—preventing malaria, especially in the most...