Topics and Expertise: CERSI

School of Pharmacy leads in NIH funding for the 44th straight year

School researchers netted $36.7M from 65 grants, fueling efforts spanning drug discovery, bioengineering, pharmacokinetics, clinical pharmacy, and more.

UCSF-Stanford CERSI Hosts 2024 Summit of Regulatory Science Leaders

The fifth annual summit was UCSF-Stanford CERSI’s largest in-person meeting yet, showcasing the School’s commitment to the dynamic field of regulatory science in discussions with FDA center directors and past and present FDA commissioners.

A budding partnership with Korean regulatory science pharmacists

A delegation from South Korea visited to sign a Memorandum of Understand (MOU) initiating potential collaborations between UCSF and Korean schools of pharmacy.

Dozens of presumed inactive ingredients may impact human biology

School scientists identify excipients with potential to cause side effects

FDA, academia, and industry join forces to shepherd new therapies to patients

UCSF-Stanford CERSI brings together scientists, industry, and government regulators to get new therapies to patients sooner.

USP/UCSF fellowship to support research in the quality and safety of medical products

A new fellowship, funded jointly by UCSF-Stanford CERSI and the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), will support research into the inactive components of medications, which are known as excipients.

Giacomini named 2018 Volwiler Research Award recipient

Kathy Giacomini, PhD, has been named the 2018 Volwiler Research Achievement Award recipient by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.

Giacomini to receive North American Scientific Achievement Award

Kathy Giacomini, PhD, a leader in the field of pharmacogenomics, has been named the 2017 recipient of the North American Scientific Achievement Award, presented by the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX).

Update from the Dean - March 2017

Nation debates possibility of dramatically new directions for health care coverage, science funding, immigration, education; Revealing malaria/HIV drug interactions in children; Decreasing cancer drug toxicity while increasing dose; Engineering safer opioids; Evidence for comprehensive medication...

FDA funds UCSF-Stanford CERSI

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has awarded the UCSF-Stanford Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (UCSF-Stanford CERSI) a five-year grant with up to $25 million in funding.
