Robin Corelli, PharmD

Vice Dean of Academic Affairs
Vice Chair of Professional Affairs
Thomas J. Long Professor of Community Pharmacy Practice
Marco Sanchez
Phone: +1 714 731-0604
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What I do

As vice dean of academic affairs, I represent the dean’s office and provide guidance, assessment, and action on all issues related to policies and procedures for academic affairs. This includes leading the School of Pharmacy’s Office of Academic Affairs; review of appointments for faculty and non-faculty academics; evaluation of appraisal, advancement and promotion packets; analysis and advising on issues related to faculty compensation, benefits and outside professional activities; providing consultative support for faculty and department chairs on the appeals and problem-resolution processes relating to academic personnel issues; and representing the School of Pharmacy in school, campus and system-wide discussions related to academic affairs and academic policy issues.

I am also a professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and a licensed practicing pharmacist. My research and practice efforts have been focused on the community pharmacist’s role in the areas of asthma, COPD, tobacco cessation, immunization delivery, and medication therapy management.

Departmental research area

My research expertise

pharmacy practice

Clinical expertise

community practice, tobacco cessation

Professional background


Dr. Robin Corelli is a Professor and Vice-Chair in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Dr. Corelli received her PharmD from UCSF and then completed additional training at UCSF as a clinical pharmacy resident and Infectious Disease Fellow. Dr. Corelli has been a member of the UCSF faculty since 1991. Her research and creative efforts have largely focused on tobacco and community pharmacy initiatives including: (1) the development, evaluation and dissemination of effective training programs for healthcare providers, (2) the development, implementation and evaluation of community pharmacy-based models of care for smoking cessation, (3) policy work supporting regulations to ban sale of tobacco products in pharmacies and (4) education and academia related topics (e.g., admissions, faculty development, student research projects, faculty workforce composition).

Research keywords

  • pharmacies
  • Education, Pharmacy
  • Faculty, Pharmacy
  • Preceptorship
  • Schools, Pharmacy
  • Commerce
  • Smoking Prevention
  • tobacco cessation
  • pharmacists
  • Community Pharmacy Services
  • smoking cessation
  • Students, Pharmacy
  • pharmacy
  • Faculty
  • curriculum