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Robin Corelli, PharmD
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs
Vice Chair of Professional Affairs
Thomas J. Long Professor of Community Pharmacy Practice

Marco Sanchez
Phone: +1 714 731-0604
513 Parnassus Avenue, MSB, Rm 126
UCSF Box 0403
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States Affiliations
UCSF centers, institutes, and research programs
Department committees and service
DEI-AR Committee, 2023-present, Department of Clinical Pharmacy
What I do
As vice dean of academic affairs, I represent the dean’s office and provide guidance, assessment, and action on all issues related to policies and procedures for academic affairs. This includes leading the School of Pharmacy’s Office of Academic Affairs; review of appointments for faculty and non-faculty academics; evaluation of appraisal, advancement and promotion packets; analysis and advising on issues related to faculty compensation, benefits and outside professional activities; providing consultative support for faculty and department chairs on the appeals and problem-resolution processes relating to academic personnel issues; and representing the School of Pharmacy in school, campus and system-wide discussions related to academic affairs and academic policy issues.
I am also a professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and a licensed practicing pharmacist. My research and practice efforts have been focused on the community pharmacist’s role in the areas of asthma, COPD, tobacco cessation, immunization delivery, and medication therapy management.
Departmental research area
My research expertise
pharmacy practice
Clinical expertise
community practice, tobacco cessation
Professional background
PharmD, University of California, San Francisco, 1989
BS, Biochemistry, University of California, Riverside, 1985
Postgraduate training
PGY2, Infectious Diseases Fellowship, University of California, San Francisco, 1991
PGY1, Pharmacy Practice Residency, University of California, San Francisco, 1990
Licensure and certifications
Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS), Mayo Clinic, 2020
Delivering Medication Therapy Management Services Certificate, American Pharmacists Association (APhA), 2016
Immunization Certification, American Pharmacists Association (APhA), 2000
Licentiate in Pharmacy, California State Board of Pharmacy, 1989
Training and professional development
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Champion Training, University of California San Francisco, 2020
Dr. Robin Corelli is a Professor and Vice-Chair in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Dr. Corelli received her PharmD from UCSF and then completed additional training at UCSF as a clinical pharmacy resident and Infectious Disease Fellow. Dr. Corelli has been a member of the UCSF faculty since 1991. Her research and creative efforts have largely focused on tobacco and community pharmacy initiatives including: (1) the development, evaluation and dissemination of effective training programs for healthcare providers, (2) the development, implementation and evaluation of community pharmacy-based models of care for smoking cessation, (3) policy work supporting regulations to ban sale of tobacco products in pharmacies and (4) education and academia related topics (e.g., admissions, faculty development, student research projects, faculty workforce composition).
Research keywords
- pharmacies
- Education, Pharmacy
- Faculty, Pharmacy
- Preceptorship
- Schools, Pharmacy
- Commerce
- Smoking Prevention
- tobacco cessation
- pharmacists
- Community Pharmacy Services
- smoking cessation
- Students, Pharmacy
- pharmacy
- Faculty
- curriculum
1. | Public Health Excellence Award, United States Public Health Service, 2016 |
2. | Fellow, American Pharmacists Association, 2015 |
3. | Long Foundation Prize for Excellence in Teaching, University of California, San Francisco, School of Pharmacy, 2015 |
4. | Apples for Preceptor Award, Los Angeles/Orange County Satellite Program, University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy, 2013 |
5. | Project Preceptor of the Year (Co-awardee), Academy of Students in Pharmacy-American Pharmacists Association Tobacco Awareness Project, 2012 |
6. | Innovations in Teaching Award, Honorable Mention, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 2012 |
7. | Apples for Preceptor Award, Los Angeles/Orange County Satellite Program, University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy, 2011 |
8. | Apples for Preceptor Award, Los Angeles/Orange County Satellite Program, University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy, 2009 |
9. | Michelotti Public Health Prize, California Pharmacists Association Foundation, 2007 |
10. | Dean’s Recognition for Teaching Excellence, University of California, San Francisco, School of Pharmacy, 2006-2017 |
11. | Distinguished Alumni Award, Phi Delta Chi, 2002 |
12. | Long Foundation Prize for Excellence in Teaching, University of California, San Francisco, School of Pharmacy, 2002 |
13. | Practitioner Fellow, California Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 1997 |
14. | Long Foundation Award for Excellence in Clinical and Practical Instruction, University of California, Sa Francisco, School of Pharmacy, 1997 |
15. | Preceptor of the Year, University of California, San Francisco, Clinical Pharmacy Resident Class, 1996 |
16. | Long Foundation Award for Excellence in Clinical and Practical Instruction, University of California, San Francisco, School of Pharmacy, 1995 |
17. | Long Foundation Award for Excellence in Clinical and Practical Instruction, University of California, San Francisco, School of Pharmacy, 1993 |
18. | Preceptor of the Year, University of California, San Francisco, Clinical Pharmacy Resident Class, 1992 |
19. | Outstanding Resident Research Project Award, University of California, San Francisco, 1990 |
20. | Bowl of Hygeia, Honorable Mention, University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy, 1989 |
Kelly C. Lee, Katherine Gruenberg, Jennifer M. Namba, Cynthia S. Valle-Oseguera, Linda Awdishu, Mitra Assemi, Robin L. Corelli, Crystal Zhou. Collaboration for Competence: Unlocking the Win-Win of Shared OSCE Resources. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2024 Dec 1; 101352. |
Nervana Elkhadragy, Katy Hilts, Karen Hudmon, Micah Hata, Elisa Tong, Frank Vitale, Robin Corelli. Community Pharmacies at the Frontline for Tobacco Cessation: Insights from a Qualitative Study. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2024 Sep 1; 88(9):100955. |
Somma McGivney MA, Jahjah KA, Brooks A, Cahill J, Corelli R, Guthrie K, Hill A, Kirby J, Luchen G, Maki E, McWilliams G, Patel K, Rattinger G, Register D, Walmsley L, Williams N, Bradley-Baker LR, Leon N. Envisioning the Near Future of Community Pharmacy Patient Care Practice: Report of the 2023-2024 AACP Professional Affairs Standing Committee. Am J Pharm Educ. 2024 Sep; 88(9):100742. |
Wilcox AT, Hilts KE, Thoma L, Corelli RL, Hudmon KS. Clinician attitudes toward referring patients to pharmacists for tobacco cessation services. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2024 Sep-Oct; 64(5):102147. |
Ellis Hilts K, Elkhadragy N, Corelli RL, Hata M, Tong EK, Vitale FM, Hudmon KS. Closing the Tobacco Treatment Gap: A Qualitative Study of Tobacco Cessation Service Implementation in Community Pharmacies. Pharmacy (Basel). 2024 Mar 28; 12(2). |
Berry J, Hilts KE, Thoma L, Corelli RL, Stump TE, Monahan PO, Hudmon KS. Patient awareness, perceptions, and attitudes towards pharmacists prescribing tobacco cessation medications. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2023 12; 19(12):1531-1542. |
Elkhadragy N, Corelli RL, Campbell NL, Zillich AJ, Hudmon KS. Lessons Learned from a Shared Curriculum on Tobacco Cessation Using a Mixed-Methods Approach. Pharmacy (Basel). 2023 Aug 02; 11(4). |
Karen Hudmon, Alexa Lahey, Julia Czarnik, Nervana Elkhadragy, Robin Corelli. Current Status of Tobacco Education in Doctor of Pharmacy Programs in the United States. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2023 Aug 1; 87(8):100287. |
Hudmon KS, Lahey AM, Czarnik JS, Elkhadragy N, Corelli RL. Tobacco Education in Doctor of Pharmacy Programs in the United States (2021-2022). Am J Pharm Educ. 2023 11; 87(11):100120. |
Hudmon KS, Czarnik JS, Lahey AM, Crowe SJ, Conklin M, Corelli RL, Gonzalvo JD, Hilts KE. Pharmacist-Led Implementation of Brief Tobacco Cessation Interventions during Mobile Health Access Events. Pharmacy (Basel). 2023 Apr 07; 11(2). |
Hilts KE, Corelli RL, Vernon VP, Hudmon KS. Update and recommendations: Pharmacists' prescriptive authority for tobacco cessation medications in the United States. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2022 Sep-Oct; 62(5):1531-1537. |
Hilts KE, Corelli RL, Prokhorov AV, Zbikowski SM, Zillich AJ, Hudmon KS. Implementing Brief Tobacco Cessation Interventions in Community Pharmacies: An Application of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Pharmacy (Basel). 2022 May 30; 10(3). |
Corelli RL, Merchant KR, Hilts KE, Kroon LA, Vatanka P, Hille BT, Hudmon KS. Community pharmacy technicians' engagement in the delivery of brief tobacco cessation interventions: Results of a randomized trial. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2022 07; 18(7):3158-3163. |
Corelli RL, Tu TG, Lee KJ, Dinh D, Gericke KR, Hudmon KS. Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy Utilization and Costs to a Medicaid Managed Care Plan. Pharmacoecon Open. 2021 Dec; 5(4):649-653. |
Elkhadragy N, Aviado J, Huang H, Corelli RL, Hudmon KS. Shared Tobacco Cessation Curriculum Website for Health Professionals: Longitudinal Analysis of User and Utilization Data Over a Period of 15 Years. JMIR Med Educ. 2021 May 25; 7(2):e20704. |
Jamie L. Hall, Robin L. Corelli, Renee DeHart, Jason Haney, Lisa Lebovitz, Ann M. Philbrick, Libby J. Ross, Caroline Sierra, Paul Jungnickel. Trends in PCAT Requirements and Utilization Across Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2020 Dec 4; 8179. |
Hall JL, Corelli RL, DeHart R, Haney J, Lebovitz L, Philbrick AM, Ross LJ, Sierra C, Jungnickel P. Trends in Pharmacy College Admission Test Requirements and Utilization Across Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy. Am J Pharm Educ. 2021 03; 85(3):8179. |
Elkhadragy N, Corelli RL, Zillich AJ, Campbell NL, Hudmon KS. Long-term evaluation of a train-the-trainer workshop for pharmacy faculty using the RE-AIM framework. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2021 09; 17(9):1562-1569. |
Hudmon KS, Vitale FM, Elkhadragy N, Corelli RL, Strickland SL, Varekojis SM, Heeg MO. Evaluation of an Interprofessional Tobacco Cessation Train-the-Trainer Program for Respiratory Therapy Faculty. Respir Care. 2021 Mar; 66(3):475-481. |
Elkhadragy N, Corelli RL, Russ AL, Snyder ME, Clabaugh M, Hudmon KS. Faculty perceptions of a tobacco cessation train-the-trainer workshop and experiences with implementation: A qualitative follow-up study. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2019 12; 15(12):1436-1445. |
Robin Corelli, Karen Cheung, Dennis Ankrah, Michael Blatt, Karen Hudmon. Impact of a Shared Tobacco Cessation Curriculum in California Schools of Pharmacy. Journal of Contemporary Pharmacy Practice. 2018 Sep 1; 65(3):24-27. |
Hudmon KS, Corelli RL, de Moor C, Zillich AJ, Fenlon C, Miles L, Prokhorov AV, Zbikowski SM. Outcomes of a randomized trial evaluating two approaches for promoting pharmacy-based referrals to the tobacco quitline. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2018 Jul - Aug; 58(4):387-394. |
Corelli RL, Mehas NA, Cheung K, Ankrah DO, Blatt MW, Hudmon KS. Experience with a shared tobacco cessation curriculum in California schools of pharmacy (2000-2013). J Contemporary Pharmacy Practice. 2018; 65(3):24-27. |
Assemi M, Yu J, Liu S, Corelli RL, Hudmon KS. Educational Attainment and Academic Profile of Deans and Chairs at US Pharmacy Schools. Am J Pharm Educ. 2017 Sep; 81(7):5928. |
Hudmon KS, Elkhadragy N, Kusynová Z, Besançon L, Brock TP, Corelli RL. Global sale of tobacco products and electronic nicotine delivery systems in community pharmacies. Tob Control. 2017 12; 26(e2):e127-e129. |
Assemi M, Hudmon KS, Sowinski KM, Corelli RL. Educational Background and Academic Rank of Faculty Members within US Schools of Pharmacy. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016 May 25; 80(4):61. |
Corelli RL, Muchnik MA, Beechinor RJ, Fong G, Vogt EM, Cocohoba JM, Tsourounis C, Hudmon KS. Perceptions and Cost-Analysis of a Multiple Mini-Interview in a Pharmacy School Admissions Process. Am J Pharm Educ. 2015 Nov 25; 79(9):135. |
Assemi M, Ibarra F, Mallios R, Corelli RL. Scholarly contributions of required senior research projects in a doctor of pharmacy curriculum. Am J Pharm Educ. 2015 Mar 25; 79(2):23. |
Hudmon KS, Mark M, Livin AL, Corelli RL, Schroeder SA. Tobacco education in U.S. respiratory care programs. Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Oct; 16(10):1394-8. |
Penick Brock T, Assemi M, Corelli RL, El-Ibiary SY, Kavookjian J, Martin BA, Suchanek Hudmon K. A nontraditional faculty development initiative using a social media platform. Am J Pharm Educ. 2014 Jun 17; 78(5):105. |
Corelli RL, Chai T, Karic A, Fairman M, Baez K, Hudmon KS. Tobacco and alcohol sales in community pharmacies: policy statements from U.S. professional pharmacy associations. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2014 May-Jun; 54(3):285-8. |
Hudmon KS, Hoch MA, Vitale FM, Wahl KR, Corelli RL, de Moor C. Tobacco cessation education for pharmacists: Face-to-face presentations versus live webinars. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2014 Jan-Feb; 54(1):42-4. |
McBane SE, Corelli RL, Albano CB, Conry JM, Della Paolera MA, Kennedy AK, Jenkins AT, Hudmon KS. The role of academic pharmacy in tobacco cessation and control. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013 Jun 12; 77(5):93. |
Kroon LA, Corelli RL, Roth AP, Hudmon KS. Public perceptions of the ban on tobacco sales in San Francisco pharmacies. Tob Control. 2013 Nov; 22(6):369-71. |
Harris BJ, Butler M, Cardello E, Corelli R, Dahdal W, Gurney M, Harrell K, Murphy J, Pisano D, Sullivan M, Teeters J, Bradley-Baker L. Report of the 2011-2012 AACP Professional Affairs Committee: addressing the teaching excellence of volunteer pharmacy preceptors. Am J Pharm Educ. 2012 Aug 10; 76(6):S4. |
Hoch MA, Hudmon KS, Lee L, Cupp R, Aragon L, Tyree RA, Corelli RL. Pharmacists' perceptions of participation in a community pharmacy-based nicotine replacement therapy distribution program. J Community Health. 2012 Aug; 37(4):848-54. |
Corelli RL, Zillich AJ, de Moor C, Giuliano MR, Arnold J, Fenlon CM, Douglas CL, Magnusson B, Zbikowski SM, Prokhorov AV, Hudmon KS. Recruitment of community pharmacies in a randomized trial to generate patient referrals to the tobacco quitline. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2013 Jul-Aug; 9(4):396-404. |
Zillich AJ, Corelli RL, Zbikowski SM, Magnusson LB, Fenlon CM, Prokhorov AV, de Moor C, Hudmon KS. A randomized trial evaluating 2 approaches for promoting pharmacy-based referrals to the tobacco quitline: methods and baseline findings. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2013 Jan-Feb; 9(1):27-36. |
Corelli RL, Aschebrook-Kilfoy B, Kim G, Ambrose PJ, Hudmon KS. Availability of tobacco and alcohol products in Los Angeles community pharmacies. J Community Health. 2012 Feb; 37(1):113-8. |
Karen Suchanek Hudmon, Robin L. Corelli, Alexander V. Prokhorov. Smoking Cessation Therapies and Programs. Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine \u0026 Health. 2012 Jan 1. |
Assemi M, Corelli RL, Ambrose PJ. Development needs of volunteer pharmacy practice preceptors. Am J Pharm Educ. 2011 Feb 10; 75(1):10. |
Kao DJ, Hudmon KS, Corelli RL. Evaluation of a required senior research project in a doctor of pharmacy curriculum. Am J Pharm Educ. 2011 Feb 10; 75(1):5. |
Kim SE, Whittington JI, Nguyen LM, Ambrose PJ, Corelli RL. Pharmacy students' perceptions of a required senior research project. Am J Pharm Educ. 2010 Dec 15; 74(10):190. |
Hudmon KS, Corelli RL, Prokhorov AV. Current approaches to pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2010 Feb; 4(1):35-47. |
Stebbins MR, Cutler TW, Corelli RL, Smith AR, Lipton HL. Medicare part D community outreach train-the-trainer program for pharmacy faculty. Am J Pharm Educ. 2009 May 27; 73(3):53. |
Karen Suchanek Hudmon, Robin L. Corelli. ASHP Therapeutic Position Statement on the Cessation of Tobacco Use. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2009 Feb 1; 66(3):291-307. |
Hudmon KS, Corelli RL. ASHP therapeutic position statement on the cessation of tobacco use. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2009; 66(3):291-307. |
Marilyn R. Stebbins, Timothy W. Cutler, Robin L. Corelli, Amanda R. Smith, Helene L. Lipton. Medicare Part D Community Outreach Train-the-Trainer Program for Pharmacy Faculty. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2009 Jan 1; 73(3):53. |
Houston LN, Warner M, Corelli RL, Fenlon CM, Hudmon KS. Tobacco education in US physician assistant programs. J Cancer Educ. 2009; 24(2):107-13. |
Corelli RL, Fenlon CM, Kroon LA, Prokhorov AV, Hudmon KS. Evaluation of a train-the-trainer program for tobacco cessation. Am J Pharm Educ. 2007 Dec 15; 71(6):109. |
Sobhani P, Christopherson J, Ambrose PJ, Corelli RL. Accuracy of oral liquid measuring devices: comparison of dosing cup and oral dosing syringe. Ann Pharmacother. 2008 Jan; 42(1):46-52. |
Heath J, Kelley FJ, Andrews J, Crowell N, Corelli RL, Hudmon KS. Evaluation of a tobacco cessation curricular intervention among acute care nurse practitioner faculty members. Am J Crit Care. 2007 May; 16(3):284-9. |
Robin L. Corelli, Christine M. Fenlon, Lisa A. Kroon, Alexander V. Prokhorov, Karen Suchanek Hudmon. Evaluation of a Train-the-Trainer Program for Tobacco Cessation. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2007 Jan 1; 71(6):109. |
Hudmon KS, Hussar DA, Fenlon CM, Corelli RL. Pharmacy students' perceptions of tobacco sales in pharmacies and suggested strategies for promoting tobacco-free experiential sites. Am J Pharm Educ. 2006 Aug 15; 70(4):75. |
Hudmon KS, Prokhorov AV, Corelli RL. Tobacco cessation counseling: pharmacists' opinions and practices. Patient Educ Couns. 2006 Apr; 61(1):152-60. |
Corelli RL, Hudmon KS. Pharmacologic interventions for smoking cessation. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2006 Mar; 18(1):39-51, xii. |
Hudmon KS, Fenlon CM, Corelli RL, Prokhorov AV, Schroeder SA. Tobacco sales in pharmacies: time to quit. Tob Control. 2006 Feb; 15(1):35-8. |
Karen Suchanek Hudmon, Daniel A. Hussar, Christine M. Fenlon, Robin L. Corelli. Pharmacy Students' Perceptions of Tobacco Sales in Pharmacies and Suggested Strategies for Promoting Tobacco-Free Experiential Sites. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2006 Jan 1; 70(4):75. |
Corelli RL, Kroon LA, Chung EP, Sakamoto LM, Gundersen B, Fenlon CM, Hudmon KS. Statewide evaluation of a tobacco cessation curriculum for pharmacy students. Prev Med. 2005 Jun; 40(6):888-95. |
Hudmon KS, Bardel K, Kroon LA, Fenlon CM, Corelli RL. Tobacco education in U.S. schools of pharmacy. Nicotine Tob Res. 2005 Apr; 7(2):225-32. |
Hudmon KS, Kroon LA, Corelli RL, Saunders KC, Spitz MR, Bates TR, Liang D. Training future pharmacists at a minority educational institution: evaluation of the Rx for change tobacco cessation training program. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Mar; 13(3):477-81. |
Hudmon KS, Hemberger KK, Corelli RL, Kroon LA, Prokhorov AV. The pharmacist's role in smoking cessation counseling: perceptions of users of nonprescription nicotine replacement therapy. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2003 Sep-Oct; 43(5):573-82. |
Hudmon KS, Corelli RL, Chung E, Gundersen B, Kroon LA, Sakamoto LM, Hemberger KK, Fenlon C, Prokhorov AV. Development and implementation of a tobacco cessation training program for students in the health professions. J Cancer Educ. 2003; 18(3):142-9. |
Corelli RL, Hudmon KS. Medications for smoking cessation. West J Med. 2002 Mar; 176(2):131-5. |
Karen Suchanek Hudmon, Robin L. Corelli, Lisa A. Kroon, Marilyn Standifer Shreve, Alexander V. Prokhorov. Reducing Pulmonary Disease: The Pharmacist’s Role in Smoking Cessation. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2001 Apr 1; 14(2):143-159. |
Hudmon KS, Corelli RL, Kroon LA, Shreve MS, Prokhorov AV. Reducing pulmonary disease: The pharmacist’s role in smoking cessation. J Pharmacy Practice. 2001; 14:143-59. |
Guglielmo BJ, Luber AD, Corelli RL, Flaherty JF, Jacobs RA. Prevention of adverse events in hospitalized patients using an antimicrobial review program. West J Med. 1999 Sep; 171(3):159-62. |
Smith PF, Corelli RL. Doxepin in the management of pruritus associated with allergic cutaneous reactions. Ann Pharmacother. 1997 May; 31(5):633-5. |
Kroon LA, Dennehy CE, Corelli RL, Reisner L, Brethauer B, Koda-Kimble MA. Documenting and characterizing pharmaceutical care in an academic health center. Hospital Pharmacy. 1997; 32:1639-46. |
Luber AD, Corelli RL, Flaherty JF, Kostiuk KA, Robinson MD, Guglielmo BJ. J Infect Dis Pharmacother. The evolution of an antimicrobial review system at a university hospital. 1996; 2:65-90. |
Wong-Beringer A, Corelli RL, Schrock TR, Guglielmo BJ. Influence of timing of antibiotic administration on tissue concentrations during surgery. Am J Surg. 1995 Apr; 169(4):379-81. |
Singh RF, Corelli RL, Guglielmo BJ. Sterility of unit dose syringes of filgrastim and sargramostim. Am J Hosp Pharm. 1994 Nov 15; 51(22):2811-2. |
Corelli RL, Gericke KR. Renal insufficiency associated with intramuscular administration of ketorolac tromethamine. Ann Pharmacother. 1993 Sep; 27(9):1055-7. |
Colford JM, Corelli RL, Ganz JW, Guglielmo BJ, Jacobs RA. Home antibiotic therapy for streptococcal endocarditis: a call for a controlled trial. Am J Med. 1993 Jan; 94(1):111-2. |
Corelli RL, Guglielmo BJ, Kapusnik-Uner JE, McMaster JR, Greenblatt RM. Medication usage patterns in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection: a comparison of patient-reported medication usage with medical chart review. DICP. 1991 Dec; 25(12):1374-8. |
Robin Corelli, Linda L. Hart. Beta-Blocking Agents for Migraine. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 1989 Mar 1; 23(3):248-249. |
Corelli R, Hart LL. Use of beta-blockers in the treatment of migraine headache. Drug Intell Clin Pharm. 1989; 23:248-49. |
Yoder M, Torres C, Corelli R, Jurnak F. Bulk preparation and crystallization of the Escherichia coli elongation factor Tu-Ts complex. Anal Biochem. 1985 Oct; 150(1):243-8. |