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- Department of Clinical Pharmacy
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- Quantitative Biosciences Institute
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Administration History
This page describes a history of changes to offices, teams, and upper administrative roles. For a current org chart, see Org chart: School of Pharmacy.
January 2
Jonathan H. Watanabe appointed chair of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy.
June 17
The Office of Faculty Academic Affairs is renamed to the Office of Academic Affairs.
June 10
Integrated Core Curriculum Team is renamed to Integrated Core Team (ICT), and it absorbs the Office of Education and Instructional Services (OEIS).
June 7
Office of Student and Curricular Affairs (OSACA) renamed to Office of Student Affairs (OSA).
February 5
The Office of Communications is created from the Communications Team in the Office of Administration.
January 1
Jennifer Cocohoba appointed interim chair of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy.
Lisa Kroon appointed co-vice dean of clinical innovation and entrepreneurship.
October 1
Tanja Kortemme appointed vice dean of research, replacing James Fraser.
August 1
James Fraser appointed chair of the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, replacing Deanna Kroetz.
July 1
Noelle Chapman appointed associate dean overseeing development of student/host institution experiential opportunities at Pharmaceutical Services, UCSF Health.
The titles of vice dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion for Ryan Hernandez and Stephanie Hsia are changed to associate dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
February 1
Jaekyu Shin appointed associate dean of assessment and evaluation, reporting to the vice deans of PharmD education.
January 1
Deepak Sisodiya appointed associate dean at UCLA Health.
November 16
Dean Giacomini announces a new leadership team.
October 1
Leslie Carstensen Floren appointed associate dean of fellowships, reporting to the vice deans of graduate pharmacy education programs.
September 19
Mitra Assemi steps down as associate dean of accreditation and quality improvement.
August 3
Liana Crosby steps down as executive assistant to the dean.
August 1
David Smith appointed associate dean.
July 29
Lawrence Lin appointed chief of staff.
July 1
Thomas Kearney steps down as interim dean. Kathleen M. Giacomini appointed dean.
April 3
J. David Woods steps down as associate dean.
January 4
Thomas Kearney appointed interim dean, replacing B. Joseph Guglielmo.
Robin Corelli replaces Kearney as associate dean of academic affairs.
October 1
Deanna Kroetz appointed chair of the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, replacing Tejal Desai.
Pam Schultz appointed associate dean of student affairs.
August 18
The titles for Donna Dare, Chad Hatfield, Stuart Heard, James R. McNulty, Rita Shane, and J. David Woods change from assistant dean to associate dean.
August 4
Integrated Core Curriculum Team added.
July 24
Jess de Jesus steps down as assistant dean at UCLA Health.
July 1
Office of Accreditation and Quality Improvement replaced by the Assessment and Evaluation Team, led by Assessment Manager Yukiko Watanabe and Associate Dean of Accreditation and Quality Improvement Mitra Assemi.
June 30
Cynthia B. Watchmaker steps down as associate dean of student affairs.
April 1
Igor Mitrovic appointed associate dean of integrated core curriculum.
March 1
Alesia Woods appointed associate dean of administration and finance.
February 2
Michael S. Nordberg steps down as associate dean of administration.
James Joves appointed interim associate dean of administration.
January 4
Michelle Arkin appointed chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, replacing Matt Jacobson.
November 12
Cynthia V. Zarate appointed director of the Office of Education and Instructional Services.
July 1
Desi Kotis appointed associate dean at UCSF Medical Center.
James R. McNulty appointed assistant dean at Kaweah Delta Health Care District in Visalia.
Thomas Kearney steps down as associate dean of academic affairs but is recalled.
Donald Kishi steps down as associate dean, and this role is retired.
Susan Levings steps down as associate dean of planning and communications, and this role is retired.
The Office of Finance and Administration is renamed to the Office of Administration, and it absorbs the Office of Planning and Communications, which is renamed as the Communications Team.
February 1
Rebecca Miller steps down as director of the Office of Education and Instructional Services.
Cynthia V. Zarate appointed interim director of the Office of Education and Instructional Services.
September 1
The Office of Experiential Education is renamed to the Office of Experiential Education and Professional Development.
July 1
The Office of Assessment and Quality Improvement renamed to the Office of Accreditation and Quality Improvement.
Daniel Santi steps down as associate dean of external scientific affairs, and this role is retired.
Chad Hatfield appointed assistant dean at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento.
Jess de Jesus appointed assistant dean at UCLA Health.
June 1
Daniel L. Wandres steps down as associate dean of pharmaceutical services.
April 6
Jane Hodding steps down as assistant dean at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center.
May 1
John Grubbs steps down as assistant dean at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento.
February 20
Office of Education and Instructional Support renamed to Office of Education and Instructional Services.
February 12
The title for Donald Kishi changes from associate dean of student and curricular affairs to associate dean.
January 3
Tina Brock steps down as associate dean of global health and educational innovations, and the role is retired.
January 1
Rebecca Miller reports to Sharon L. Youmans.
The title for Cynthia Watchmaker changes from associate dean of student affairs and education services to associate dean of student affairs.
September 6
Liana Crosby appointed executive assistant to the dean.
Susan Abby appointed administrative analyst.
June 20
The Office of Finance and Administration absorbs the Dean’s Office Administration.
The executive assistant to the dean dually reports to the dean and to the associate dean of finance and administration.
March 16
Molecular Design Institute (MDI) renamed to Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) with Director Nevan Krogan.
January 15
Matt Jacobson appointed chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, replacing James Wells.
August 1
Valerie Clinard appointed director of experiential education.
July 1
Andrej Sali appointed associate dean of research, replacing Paul R. Ortiz de Montellano.
January 26
Rebecca Miller appointed director of the Office of Education and Instructional Support.
August 1
Tejal Desai appointed chair of the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences.
January 6
Thomas Kearney appointed associate dean of academic affairs.
November 1
Brian Alldredge steps down as associate dean of academic affairs.
October 1
The title for Tina Brock changes from associate dean of teaching and learning to associate dean of global health and educational innovations.
September 1
Associate deans related to education report to Sharon L. Youmans.
Chairs, associate deans, and assistant deans reporting to Guglielmo also indirectly report to Youmans.
Sarah Nelson steps down as co-chair of the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences.
Steven Kayser steps down as associate dean of global affairs.
The title for Mitra Assemi changes from associate dean of accreditation and quality improvement title to associate dean of assessment and quality improvement.
July 1
Lisa Kroon appointed chair of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy.
Sharon L. Youmans appointed vice dean.
April 1
B. Joseph Guglielmo appointed dean.
September 1
Cynthia B. Watchmaker appointed associate dean of student affairs and education services.
July 2
Dale Adams steps down as assistant dean.
Jane M. Hodding appointed assistant dean.
J. David Woods appointed assistant dean.
July 1
Robert L. Day steps down as associate dean.
B. Joseph Guglielmo appointed interim dean, replacing Mary Anne Koda-Kimble.
Lorie Rice steps down as associate dean of external affairs.
Lisa A. Kroon appointed interim chair of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy.
June 12
Daniel L. Wandres appointed associate dean of pharmaceutical services.
September 26
Michael S. Nordberg appointed associate dean of administration and finance.
May 20
Lynn Paulsen steps down as associate dean of pharmaceutical services.
March 11
Tina Brock appointed associate dean of teaching and learning.
October 14
Paul R. Ortiz de Montellano appointed associate dean of research.
September 30
Ken Dill steps down as associate dean of research.
June 30
Barbara Sauer steps down as associate dean of assessment and accreditation.
Betty-ann Hoener steps down as associate dean of faculty development (teaching and learning).
Mitra Assemi promoted from assistant dean to associate dean.
Sharon Kotabe steps down as assistant dean.
September 1
Chris Cullander steps down as associate dean of student and curricular affairs and associate dean of information resources and technology.
Donald T. Kishi appointed associate dean of student and curricular affairs.
Mitra Assemi appointed assistant dean of accreditation and quality improvement.
July 1
Rob Duca steps down as associate dean of administration.
Michael S. Nordberg appointed interim associate dean of administration and finance.
February 25
Kathy M. Giacomini and Sarah J. Nelson appointed co-chairs of the new Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences.
January 30
Daniel H. Lowenstein steps down as associate dean of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and the two associate dean roles associated with this are retired.
January 1
Daniel Santi appointed associate dean of external scientific affairs.
Steven R. Kayser appointed associate dean of global affairs.
December 22
Joseph M. McCune steps down as one of two associate deans of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, leaving the role filled by Daniel H. Lowenstein.
July 1
James A. Wells appointed chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, replacing Thomas L. James.
June 6
Cynthia B. Watchmaker promoted from assistant to associate dean.
February 7
Sharon L. Youmans appointed associate dean of diversity.
November 30
Lynn Paulsen appointed associate dean.
November 13
Daniel B. Dong steps down as assistant dean.
October 5
Clifton Louie steps down as associate dean of pharmaceutical services.
August 27
Daniel H. Lowenstein and Joseph M. McCune both appointed associate deans of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute.
July 17
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chair Thomas L. James returns from sabbatical.
July 1
Daniel B. Dong appointed assistant dean.
April 1
Paul R. Ortiz de Montellano appointed acting chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry while Thomas L. James is on sabbatical.
October 16
Susan Abby, executive assistant to the dean, replaces Deborah Petrie, special assistant to the dean.
June 1
Barbara Sauer appointed associate dean of assessment and accreditation.
March 20
B. Joseph Guglielmo appointed chair of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, replacing Lloyd Y. Young.
July 1
John Grubbs appointed assistant dean, replacing assistant dean Nabil Musallam.
July 1
Betty-ann Hoener appointed associate dean of faculty development (teaching and learning).
June 5
Cynthia B. Watchmaker appointed assistant dean and director of student affairs.
December 12
Rob Duca appointed associate dean of administration.
August 4
Angela H. Hawkins steps down as associate dean of administration.
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