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Jacobson receives Sloan Fellowship
By UCSF School of Pharmacy Editorial Staff / Tue Mar 9, 2004

UCSF School of Pharmacy scientist Matthew P. Jacobson, PhD is the new recipient of a prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship awarded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
The fellowship supports young scientists who demonstrate exceptional potential for enlightening science with new knowledge. Recipients are often in their first appointments to university faculties. The fellowship is intensely competitive and selected from a national pool of nominees. Jacobson joined the UCSF School of Pharmacy department of pharmaceutical chemistry in 2002 as an assistant professor. His research uses computational chemistry to predict protein modeling. He received his doctorate in physical chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Before joining UCSF, he was a research lecturer at University College Oxford, England, UK. Read more about Jacobson's research.
School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, PharmD Degree Program, BMI, QBC, CCB, PSPG, Bioinformatics, Biophysics
About the School: The UCSF School of Pharmacy aims to solve the most pressing health care problems and strives to ensure that each patient receives the safest, most effective treatments. Our discoveries seed the development of novel therapies, and our researchers consistently lead the nation in NIH funding. The School’s doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree program, with its unique emphasis on scientific thinking, prepares students to be critical thinkers and leaders in their field.