Kris Casler, MA

Phone: +1 415 476-3138
Fax: +1 415 502-1655
600 16th Street, Rm N472A
UCSF Box 2240
San Francisco, CA 94158
United States

What I do

In my role as an Administrative Officer 3, I provide primary administrative support to the Burlingame lab/Mass Spectrometry Facility. I function as the Editorial Assistant to Dr. Burlingame in his capacity as Editor-in-Chief of Molecular & Cellular Proteomics journal. I support the Mass Spectrometry Facility recharge by processing monthly accounting and maintaining databases for new research projects and sample submission tracking. I also provide administrative support to Dr. Sello and his lab when requested, as well as to the department, administering AMBER software license processing and purchasing match exception approval processing.

Professional background