- About
- Organization
- Organization Overview
- Dean’s Office
- Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences
- Department of Clinical Pharmacy
- Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Quantitative Biosciences Institute
- Org Chart
- Research
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- Patient Care
- People
- News
- Events
Jon Rey, MEd
Student Affairs Coordinator
What I do
As the Student Affairs Coordinator, I am responsible for coordinating the out-of-class experience for the PharmD program from Orientation to Commencement. I organize the online and in-person orientations, manage the Co-Curricular Program, coordinate significant celebrations in the PharmD program such as the White Coat Ceremony and Commencement, liase with on and off-campus partners for wellness initiatives, scholarship selections, and career services programming, and advise students in their capacity as leaders for registered campus organizations, student government, and class councils.