Categories: Research

A diagnosis just in time

A mysterious ailment sent an active teenage boy into a medically induced coma, and no one could figure out the cause.

As precious time passed, a team at UC San Francisco employed advanced DNA sequencing technology to find a needle-in-the-haystack answer. What they found led them to a life-saving,...

Major Mexican genetic study uncovers basis for health differences among Latinos

The most comprehensive genetic study of the Mexican population to date has revealed as much genetic differentiation as the variation between some Europeans and Asians.

Burlingame and Gross labs shed light on braking mechanisms in cellular signaling

How do cells that must respond rapidly and robustly to changes in the environment subsequently modulate that response so such elevated activity doesn’t prove harmful? Put another way: How do cells put the brakes on their response to external signaling in order to re-stabilize themselves?

Label warnings, antibiotic measurements, cancer therapies, and smoking interventions take top honors at annual seminar

Studies of improved over-the-counter acetaminophen warning labels, more accurate measurements of antibiotics in hospitalized patients, therapies for metastatic breast cancer, and methods for training pharmacy personnel to help smokers quit took top honors at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy’s...

Fraser named Searle Scholar, will shine new light on protein shapeshifting

Biophysicist James Fraser, PhD, has been named a 2014 Searle Scholar. His laboratory will be awarded $300,000 in funding over the next three years to support his research into more accurately and precisely describing the ways that protein molecules change shape to carry out the functions of life in...

UCSF School of Pharmacy leads in NIH funding for 34th year in a row

For the 34th consecutive year, the UCSF School of Pharmacy has received more research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) than any other pharmacy school in the United States.

School researchers were awarded $29.2 million during the 2013 NIH fiscal year, from October 1, 2012 to...
