Categories: Patient Care

A MedList clinic: perspectives of a pharmacist and a student pharmacist

UCSF, Walgreens open pharmacy to jointly explore new models of care

A unique new pharmacy developed to explore more effective models of medication management and pharmacist-based patient care, improving drug safety and efficacy by reducing medication errors and lapses, officially opened with a ribbon cutting on the Parnassus campus on Tuesday.

New law could expand role of pharmacists as health care providers

A bill signed into law last month by California Governor Jerry Brown and taking effect on January 1, 2014 could be an important first step toward changing how pharmacists practice, especially in community settings.

Brodowy named director of UCSF Medication Outcomes Center

Bret Brodowy, PharmD, a leader in hospital pharmacy practice and management, has been named the new director of the Medication Outcomes Center in the School of Pharmacy’s Department of Clinical Pharmacy. The appointment was effective August 12, 2013.

UCSF School of Pharmacy adopts broad recommendation on tobacco

The UCSF School of Pharmacy and the Purdue University College of Pharmacy have become the first U.S. pharmacy schools to adopt a broadly worded new professional practice recommendation aimed at reducing tobacco’s public health burden.

American Museum of Natural History video features research of Burchard

A new video produced by the American Museum of Natural History features the work of Esteban Burchard, MD, MPH, and members of his laboratory.
