Strategic Plan Theme: Education

Goals and progress to 2024

2.1 Prepare UCSF PharmD graduates to provide and transform pharmacotherapy at patient and systems levels

  1. Provide the foundational knowledge and scientific mindset to enable problem-solving through training across the six domains of science (Biomedical, Clinical, Social and Behavioral, Epidemiology and Population, Education, and Health Systems Sciences).

    Progress to 2024:

    • Integrate topics longitudinally through curriculum: Identify lead integration faculty for Epi/Biostat, Pharmacokinetics, Law

    • Incorporate emerging scientific domains especially artificial intelligence (AI): AI Working Group, Inquiry Immersion AI minicourse, preceptor development grant, Tri-UC AI faculty development session


    • Incorporate emerging scientific domains especially artificial intelligence (AI): AI competencies for PharmD curriculum

    • Discuss challenges in healthcare and frame pharmacists as problem-solvers: threaded problem-solving curriculum

  2. Develop professional skillsets through early, authentic immersion in workplace and research experiences.

    Progress to 2024:

    • Expand experiential opportunities and emphasize connections to didactic curriculum: APPEs with federal/state Bureau of Prisons, Indian Health Service

    • Elaborate what professional skillsets are and identify where they are taught/practiced: Entrustable Professional Activities review


    • Revisit Inquiry/Discovery curriculum structure: Inquiry review

  3. Promote a collaborative mindset and systems thinking through experiences with scientists and practitioners across the healthcare landscape.

    Progress to 2024:

    • Expand exposure to UCSF science researchers from basic to population health domains: Frontiers Seminars


    • Expand exposure to UCSF science researchers from basic to population health domains: Inquiry review
  4. Leverage and develop educational technologies and faculty/staff expertise to deliver and transform health professions education

    Progress to 2024:

    • Provide opportunities for faculty to grow as educators: Teaching Scholars program, Entrustable Professional Activities professional development program, Master Preceptor Program

    • Partner with other UCSF schools to share educational technology resources and expertise: Articulate 360 campus subscription, GoReact campus adoption

    • Create a research and education fellowship for PharmDs: Formal proposal in progress


    • Create basic standards for educator training across full-time and volunteer faculty: enhance awareness of Teach for UCSF opportunities

    • Partner with other UCSF schools to share educational technology resources and expertise: curriculum management system review, AI in education partnerships

    • Create a research and education fellowship for PharmDs: Fellow in 2025-26?

2.2 Develop UCSF trainees (PharmD, PhD and others) as leaders and innovators in the health sciences

  1. Develop competence and confidence in leadership and teamwork through the provision of training and mentoring activities


    • Revive leadership curriculum with professionalism thread in SOP PharmD program: Review under new Associate Dean for Student Affairs

    • Identify existing training in leadership and teamwork to make available to graduate students, residents, and fellows

  2. Promote an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset and skillset through education and experiences with leaders and experts in this domain

    Progress to 2024:

    • Reintroduce entrepreneurial concepts into PharmD curriculum: VIP industry competition


    • Reintroduce entrepreneurial concepts into PharmD curriculum: elective coursework, Inquiry curriculum
  3. Develop reflective practice in assessing one’s performance and solving problems

    Progress to 2024:

    • New emphasis on professional identity formation in curriculum: Assessment in experiential curriculum, Health Equity thread in curriculum, curriculum progress under new Associate Dean for Student Affairs


    • Revive critical reflection curriculum in PharmD curriculum: integration into Skills coursework
    • New emphasis on professional identity formation in curriculum: Professionalism Concerns process review

2.3 Bridge UCSF trainees into careers of the future

  1. Promote and support in-depth training in basic and clinical science and practice through sustainable expansion and enhancement of degree, fellowship, and residency programs

    Progress to 2024:

    • Develop new Master’s programs: MS in Artificial Intelligence & Computational Drug Discovery launched

    • Streamline, integrate, and promote the PharmD/PhD program: PharmD/PhD blueprint completed


    • Integrated PharmD curriculum with existing Master’s programs: MS Clinical Research (UCSF EpiBio), MPH (UC Berkeley)

    • Develop yearlong expanded Discovery fellowships in PharmD curriculum: Inquiry review

  2. Expose trainees to the possibilities and practicalities of a diverse array of careers through seminars and mentoring

    Progress to 2024:

    • Expand and integrate postgraduate opportunities seminars for PharmD students, including application timelines and processes: Professional Perspectives series

    • Engage alumni and WOS to provide perspectives on diverse array of careers: Professional Perspectives series

  3. Expand educational partnerships by embedding trainees where cutting-edge science and technology is being performed

    Progress to 2024:

    • Engage with partners to developing and expanding fellowships and APPEs: industry partnerships in Discovery Project groups, enhancement of APPE opportunities in industry

2.4 Make UCSF the desired destination to build a career in biomedical and pharmacotherapeutic science and practice

  1. Create a diverse body of exceptional trainees through partnering with educational institutions to reduce barriers to entry

    Progress to 2024:

    • Review admissions prerequisites for PharmD curriculum: PharmD admissions retreat

    • Develop partnerships with undergraduate institutions to create early entry/commitment pathways: UC Merced partnership, PharmTech-to-PharmD


    • Develop partnerships with undergraduate institutions to create early entry/commitment pathways: CSU Stanislaus partnership

  2. Make pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical sciences a desired career aspiration through outreach.

    Progress to 2024:

    • Promote pharmacy and pharm sci careers earlier: PharmD admissions retreat

    • Reach out to less-represented majors (e.g. engineering): PharmD admissions retreat

2.5 Expand UCSF’s education footprint along the entire career arc

  1. Enhance the knowledge and skills of scientists and practitioners through expansion, development, and support of professional development and continuing education courses.

    Progress to 2024:

    • Expand UCSF professional development coursework: preceptor development programs (Master Preceptor Programs & joint UC CE programs)


    • Evaluate pharmacy continuing education and certificate programs as a potential revenue source: Task force for feasibility for revenue generating CE and certificate programs

  2. Bring alumni and allies into the educational experience by investing in volunteer faculty and preceptor development programs

    Progress to 2024:

    • Integrate alumni and volunteer faculty into teaching and professional development activity recruitment: ITAA process revised & systematized with outreach to alumni

    • Improve tracking of alumni career pathways and outcomes: UCSF graduate tracking database (Steppingblocks)

September 2024 Strategic Plan Retreat

Co-leads Conan MacDougall and Brian Shoichet
Members Mandy Brown, Leslie Floren, Katherine Gruenberg, Igor Mitrovic, Valerie Clinard

Challenges and future directions

  • Recent restructuring of the PharmD Education Unit.

  • Personnel changes and staffing challenges.

  • Capacity to move forward with new projects given the demands of running existing curricula.

  • Acute challenges with PharmD admissions and licensure examination.

Future directions

  • Reviewing and pruning tactics based on achievability within the Strategic Plan window.

  • Dashboarding projects and progress.

Feedback from participants
  • Retreat attendees can provide feedback electronically and via the use of sticky notes directly on the poster.

PowerPoint presentation

File Education (PowerPoint presentation, 88 KB)