School of Pharmacy

School scientists identify faulty molecular recycling as potential driver of Alzheimer’s disease

School scientists recently uncovered how neurons normally recycle old proteins, and how this process goes awry in Alzheimer's disease, leading to the toxic building of protein fragments in the brain.

School of Pharmacy welcomes the Class of 2022

The Class of 2022 is the School of Pharmacy’s second cohort to embark on a newly revamped curriculum.

School of Pharmacy leads in LivingGreen certifications

The School’s Dean’s Office received Platinum LivingGreen certification for reducing waste, energy, and water usage.

For UCSF graduate, DACA gives a chance to fight cancer

Ku earned his PhD this spring in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics (PSPG) from UC San Francisco.

UCSF Magazine inside the California Poison Control System

Every day, 700 Californians turn to the California Poison Control System for treatment advice and information about potential, or real, exposures to poisons.

Impact of Curriculum Transformation Awards given for assessing new PharmD curriculum

Impact Awards support new ways of determining how the new PharmD curriculum is working, according to Vice Dean Sharon L. Youmans.
