School of Pharmacy

Kroon named CSHP Pharmacist of the Year

Kroon, who leads the School’s Department of Clinical Pharmacy, researches diabetes and tobacco cessation.

VR drug discovery makes precision therapy a reality

ChimeraX, virtual reality software developed at the UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization and Informatics, is now the tool of choice for computational structural biologists in the School of Pharmacy. The Jacobson Lab recently used ChimeraX to find a promising new cure for a drug-resistant...

Desai inducted into International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering

Desai was recognized for being a “pioneer in the use of micro and nanoscale materials to deliver protein and cell-based therapeutics.”

Pathogenic Landscape of HIV

Class of 2022 gets their white coats and takes the Oath of a Pharmacist

Members of the UC San Francisco doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) Class of 2022 took a formal step into their new careers on August 30, symbolically donning the white coat of health care professionals and taking the Oath of a Pharmacist at a ceremony in Cole Hall on the UCSF Parnassus campus.

Psychiatric Cell Map Initiative Symposium

About the event

QBI Hackathon

The QBI Hackathon is a 48-hour event connecting the vibrant Bay Area developer community with the scientists from UCSF, during which we work together on the cutting-edge biomedical problems. Recent advances in computer vision, AI, and machine learning have enabled computers to identify cat videos,...

QBI Pre-Hackathon Mixer

Attend this meet-and-greet mixer to get to know others, form groups, and start thinking about your projects in advance of the Hackathon. We strongly suggest attending to give yourself ample time to deliver your product.
