School of Pharmacy

Shipman lab develops a biological recorder of gene expression

Retro-Cascorder gives scientists a window into cell behavior and identity.

PROPEL scholars to present research on Wed Aug 10

Post-baccalaureate graduates will share their findings at a symposium this afternoon in Genentech Hall

Behind enemy lines

School scientists make headway against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Pirating proteins for biomedicine

Wells reflects on his trailblazing career in protein engineering

Lin appointed chief of staff for Dean Giacomini

Scientist and UCSF alum joins School’s leadership team

QBI Bay Area Chemical Biology Symposium

QBI presents the inaugural QBI Bay Area Symposium on Chemical Biology on September 26–27, 2022, organized by Drs. Jim Wells, Kevan Shokat, Jason Gestwicki, Chris Chang, and Carolyn Bertozzi. Under the leadership of Dr.

Krogan elected to the European Molecular Biology Organization

Esteemed UCSF scientist joins leading scientific research group

2nd Annual Full Circle of Native and Indigenous Scientists in Quantitative Biology

Organized by Willow Coyote-Maestas in collaboration with UCSF students, faculty, and staff, QBI presents the 2nd annual “Full Circle of Native and Indigenous Scientists in Quantitative Biology” symposium on January 26 and 27, 2023.
