PharmD Degree Program

How we know it’s safe to get the vaccine

UCSF experts address the safety of the new COVID-19 vaccines

Update from the Dean: Community during challenging times

The School continues its vital work in research, education, and patient care.

Arkin named next chair of Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Arkin’s appointment to bolster collaborations between academia and industry for drug discovery.

Kroetz awarded the Jere E. Goyan Presidential Chair

Kroetz honored for long career in pharmacogenomics

Jamming the gears of a deadly virus

Team efforts at the School and beyond produce two potential treatments for COVID-19.

Dean’s Apple Teaching Awards for summer 2020

The Dean's Apple Teaching Awards for summer 2020 were given to faculty and student instructors who received outstanding scores on student evaluations.

Annual Teaching Awards for 2019-2020

PharmD classes bestow teaching awards and awards for preceptors.

Office 365 training now available

Get a handle on Office 365 tools enabling you to collaborate like never before.

Resistant bacteria meet their match with custom antibiotics

“Molecular building blocks” give antibiotics an edge over drug-resistant bacteria.

QBI probes three lethal coronaviruses to find possible drug targets

“This is looking across coronaviruses and finding the commonalities so we’re in a better position to attack SARS3 when it comes,” said Nevan Krogan, the director of QBI.
