Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Faculty Resource Fair and Development Day 2023

All faculty are invited to the following networking and development events.

Isaac Kaijankoski, MBA, MA

PSPG Program Manager

I manage the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics Graduate Program. This entails all aspects of the PSPG program including admissions and recruitment, funding, grants, events, curriculum, and student advising.

Dean Giacomini named prestigious alumni awardee by University at Buffalo

Award from her alma mater recognizes Giacomini as a leading scientist and pharmacogenomics expert.

PharmD Class of 2023 celebrates Commencement

Honoring the School’s newest PharmD graduates.

Node Mulch Exhibition

Node Mulch is a free, public exhibition of new work from London-based artist John Walter created during his tenure as inaugural QBI artist-in-residence.

QCRG AViDD Happy Hour with Hudak and Wankowicz

Please join us for a QCRG AViDD Happy Hour, where you will hear two 5-minute flash talks from the new AViDD Program Manager and a recipient of a QCRG AViDD project award! Complimentary beer, wine, and bites will be served.

Jason Hudak - AViDD Program Manager

Stephanie Wankowicz - recipient of...

Stabilization of Protein-Protein Interactions; from the fundaments of supramolecular chemistry to new opportunities in drug discovery, a QBI Seminar with Luc Brunsveld

QBI presents Luc Brunsveld, a Full Professor of Chemical Biology at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. He is a chemical biologist focusing on the understanding and modulation of protein-protein interactions (PPIs), particularly Nuclear Receptors and 14-3-3 proteins.

Zooming in on the coronavirus replication organelle with correlative light and electron tomography methods, a QBI Seminar with Bram Koster

QBI presents Abraham (Bram) Koster, a chair and full professor on ultrastructural and molecular imaging at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands. He obtained his PhD in physics (particle optics, systems and signals) at Delft University in the Netherlands in 1989.

QCRG AViDD Happy Hour Featuring Award Recipients

Please join us for a QCRG AViDD Happy Hour, where two recipients of QCRG AViDD project awards will give five-minute flash talks featuring research from their current AViDD research plans. Complimentary beer, wine, and bites will be served.

Margaux Pinney: recipient of QCRG AViDD Developmental...

Correlates of Protection for COVID-19 Vaccines, a QBI/GIVI Online Seminar with Dan Barouch

The QBI & Gladstone Institute Infectious Disease and Human Health Seminar Series presents Dan Barouch, Ph.D., the William Bosworth Castle Professor of Medicine and Professor of Immunology at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel...
