Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences

Kroetz discusses pharmacogenomics on KQED Quest radio

UCSF researcher Deanna Kroetz, PhD, discusses the impact of genetic differences on how an individual responds to drugs in a KQED Quest radio interview that aired September 14, 2009.

Assemi named assistant dean of accreditation and quality improvement

Mitra Assemi, PharmD, UCSF School of Pharmacy associate professor of clinical pharmacy, has been named the School's assistant dean of accreditation and quality, effective September 1, 2009.

Kishi named associate dean of student and curricular affairs

Donald Kishi, PharmD, UCSF School of Pharmacy health sciences clinical professor of pharmacy, has been named the School's associate dean of student and curricular affairs by Dean Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD.

Two circuits found responsible for a cell’s ability to adapt

UCSF researchers have identified the two key circuits, compared to hundreds as previously thought, that control a cell's ability to adapt to changes in its environment. These circuits are key to a cell's ability to reset itself after responding to a stimulus.

Update from the Dean - Spring/Summer 2009

New chancellor: Desmond-Hellman; budget update: 4% to 10% salary cuts via furloughs, possibly to be renewed; risk of poison control system closure; new Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences; faculty honors and awards: Burchard, Peck, Desai, Roy, Bero, MacDougall, Hessol, Phillips,...

Desai receives Emerging Scholar Award

Desai, a bioengineer who focuses on the design, fabrication, and use of advanced micro/nano biosystems, was chosen as a 2009 Emerging Scholar in Physiology by Diverse Issues in Higher Education.

Scientists explain how they are making therapeutics “intelligent”

UCSF scientists describe how their research is aiming to make therapeutics sophisticated, highly effective, and tailored to the different needs of individuals.

Deans call for changes in PharmD accreditation

UCSF School of Pharmacy Dean Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD (image left), and Marilyn Speedie, PhD (image right), dean of the College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, are advocating for immediate changes in how

Burchard elected to ASCI

Esteban G. Burchard, MD, MPH, was elected in spring 2009 to the American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI).

UCSF welcomes Chancellor Desmond-Hellmann

Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, pioneering cancer researcher and biotechnology industry executive who most recently served as president of product development for the biotechnology company, Genentech, Inc., was named chancellor of UCSF
