School of Pharmacy

School responds to pharmacist shortage

As the number of new medications coming to the market soars and as an aging population requires more medications, the demand for pharmacists is outpacing the supply. But the demand is not equally high in all geographic regions.

Update from the Dean - July 2002

ACPE accreditation preliminary feedback is encouraging. Governor Gray Davis calls for reductions in spending. 2002 PharmD applications up 40% over 2001.

About Claire Lee, and more news

Who is Claire Lee?

Pharmacist serves deaf and hard of hearing community

Drug interactions and symptom management are already difficult for many patients to fully understand. But when patients are deaf or hard of hearing, important details can be even more difficult to communicate.

Koda-Kimble honored with Practice Excellence Award

School of Pharmacy Dean Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, PharmD is being by honored by the American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) with the Daniel B. Smith Practice Excellence Award in recognition of her history of contribution and service to pharmacy education, practice, and leadership.

About Tom James, PhD, and more news

Thomas James in his own words

Update from the Dean - January 2002

Reactions after September 11. The State of the School Address provides a concise summary of our recent history and our future plans. Nilofar Shah completes a relief project for Afghani refugees.

Joanne Whitney and the DPSL, and more news

Who is Joanne Whitney, and how did she get here from there?

Parfitt Pattie appointed director of development, and more news

Who is Marie Parfitt Pattie, and what are the de­vel­op­ment plans for the school?

Giacomini featured in Time magazine, and more news

Dean Mary Anne Koda-Kimble introduces this newsletter series:
