PharmD Degree Program

Muscle-soothing creams should be used with caution

Overuse of non-prescription topical creams that contain methyl salicylate, such as liniments used to soothe sore muscles, can be a health hazard, warns Thomas E. Kearney, PharmD, UCSF school of pharmacy faculty member, in response to the reported methyl salicylate-related death o

California Poison Control System wins award for marketing

The California Poison Control System (CPCS), which is administered by the UCSF School of Pharmacy, has won the 2007 International Award of Excellence from the Medical Marketing Association and the Coalition for Healthcare Communicators.

Dill and Bradford shed light on evolution

A computer model can now give scientists clues about how different chemicals could be attracted to each other and form more complicated molecules. This information, in turn, could shed light on how the universe was formed and how life emerged.

Industry-sponsored research more likely to favor drug than placebo

Published results of drug trials sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry are more likely than trials not sponsored by the industry to favor drug over placebo, according to

Antimicrobial drug management program succeeds through teamwork

Increasing resistance to antimicrobial drugs and a shortage of new antimicrobial drugs call for new ways to use them wisely. This is especially true in hospitals and medical centers where bacteria are prominent and can be easily spread.

Inaugural Legislative Day with Leno fuels political interests

An inaugural Legislative Day will be held in San Francisco on Friday, April 20, 2007 to fuel interest among UCSF School of Pharmacy students to become politically involved in pharmacy-related issues.

Burlingame talks about mass spectrometry and its potential

Mass spectrometry technology and techniques are key to knowing the structure and function of proteins and how they act in the constantly moving highways of biological systems.

James comments on university science and drug discovery

The odds of finding a chemical compound that can be developed into a drug are not good, says Thomas James, PhD, chair of the UCSF School of Pharmacy's department of pharmaceutical chemistry, but those odds can be improved by university scientists.

Update from the Dean - Fall/Winter 2007

In Memory: Dean Jere Goyan. Student and staff honors and awards: Chinn, Farm, Almas, Beverage. Clinical scientist news and awards: Lee, Giacomini. Partners in D Outreach: Stebbins, Levens Lipton, Amgen. Chemistry and Chemical Biology Chemistry-Biology Interface grant renewal: Craik. American Course...

SOS Center accepting inaugural proposals

The Strategic Opportunities Support Center (SOS Center) at UCSF is accepting inaugural proposals for projects that will carry forward the translation of research studies into clinical and human studies and eventually into community practice.
