Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences

Rada Savic, PhD

Vice Dean & Professor

I co-lead the School’s plans for developing graduate education programs in the computational and experimental sciences, along with Brian Shoichet, PhD. These programs are geared toward giving the School’s PharmD students greater career opportunities throughout biomedicine.

As a faculty member in...

Nancy Sambol, PharmD

Associate Professor

I focus on the use of models to describe drug disposition and effect in patient populations, and the use of these models to make predictions to improve drug therapy.

Andrej Sali, PhD

Associate Dean and Professor

I am interested in the structure, function, and evolution of proteins and their assemblies.

Shuvo Roy, PhD


I am a bioengineer working on medical device development to address clinical needs by leveraging my background in MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) along with advances in biomaterials, electronics, and nanotechnology to advance health world-wide.

Deanna Kroetz, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Our lab seeks to understand the molecular basis of interindividual variation in drug response and toxicity. We investigate genetic differences in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and other cancer drug phenotypes and search for new therapeutic approaches targeting ABC transporters.

Ryan Hernandez, PhD


I am a professor studying patterns of human genetic variation from global populations using large-scale whole genome sequencing data in order to understand genetic susceptibility to disease and drug response.

Su Guo, PhD


I am interested in how genes regulate brain development and behavior and ultimately impact neuropsychiatric disorders.

As director of the Center for Collaborative Innovation, I lead efforts to increase collaboration between clinical, translational, and discovery science in teaching and research.

Kathy Giacomini, PhD, BSPharm

Dean-School of Phrmcy/AssocVC

As dean of the UCSF School of Pharmacy, I set the School’s strategic agenda and ensure it has the resources and organizational structure required to succeed in its mission. I bring my scientific expertise and background in pharmacy in support of our groundbreaking research, individualized patient...

Nadav Ahituv, PhD


My research focuses on understanding how nucleotide variation in gene regulatory elements can lead to human disease and other phenotypes.

Abate receives NSF CAREER award

Physicist Adam Abate, PhD, who applies microfluidics technology to speedily process millions of encapsulated biological samples to discover drugs, engineer proteins, and diagnose cancers, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award.
