Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences

Innovation gets a boost from 2023 Koda-Kimble Seed Awards

This ninth year of awards focuses on research advancing health and furthering understanding related to cancer, diabetes, HIV testing, immune response, and more.

Faculty Resource Fair and Development Day 2023

All faculty are invited to the following networking and development events.

Willow Coyote-Maestas, PhD, MS

Assistant Professor

Rebecca Shubin


Having worked in higher education at UC Berkeley, Stanford University, and UCSF, I enjoy supporting students, faculty, and programs where I value equity, teamwork, and community to assist people in changing the world through engineering, curiosity, and innovation. During my time not at work, you...

Fraser named chair of UCSF Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences

James Fraser, PhD, plans to build on department strengths in computational biology and promote open science.

Regulatory science at UCSF gets major boost with FDA CERSI renewal

The FDA announces the Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI) renewals, granting up to $50M for UCSF’s joint effort with Stanford.

Dean Giacomini named prestigious alumni awardee by University at Buffalo

Award from her alma mater recognizes Giacomini as a leading scientist and pharmacogenomics expert.

PharmD Class of 2023 celebrates Commencement

Honoring the School’s newest PharmD graduates.

Node Mulch Exhibition

Node Mulch is a free, public exhibition of new work from London-based artist John Walter created during his tenure as inaugural QBI artist-in-residence.

Scaling up the bioartificial kidney at UCSF

On June 12, The Kidney Project was awarded a $1 million Artificial Kidney Prize from KidneyX for advancing its prototype bioartificial kidney toward a full-sized, human scale, with manufacturing and ultimately clinical trials on the horizon.
