Bioinformatics (Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program)

2019 Koda-Kimble Seed Award supports School of Pharmacy’s boldest ideas7

The 2019 Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Seed Award for Innovation will fund nine bold research projects, ranging from studies of the molecular underpinnings of cancer to focus groups designed to prepare PharmD students for experiential learning.

Behind enemy lines10

New research promises to take the guesswork out of matching individual cancer cases to the most effective choices of chemotherapy.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Job Fair11

All postdocs and final-year graduate students are invited.

Space is limited to 50. To sign up or for more information, contact Alma Agorilla:

Lunch is provided.

Event Highlights

Career panel discussion

Guests from both small and large companies

Research: pediatric meningitis dosing; cancer drug resistance; gene-testing economics12

Computer models provide optimal dosing for pediatric TB meningitis

Ahituv Lab research finds how bats grow wings, with implications for human limb development13

Researchers in the laboratory of UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member Nadav Ahituv, PhD, study the roles of gene regulatory elements—DNA segments that tell genes when, where, and to what extent to turn on and off—including in human conditions ranging from limb malformations to epilepsy and autism.

Desai elected to the National Academy of Medicine14

UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty member Tejal Desai, PhD, has been newly elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), formerly known as the Institute of Medicine (IOM).

28th Annual Course on Pharmacokinetics for Pharmaceutical Scientists17

The course will emphasize basic principles in pharmacokinetics. Presentations will be delivered via lectures and multiple small-group workshops. For more details and registration information, see Pharmacokinetics for Pharmaceutical Scientists.

UCSF School of Pharmacy leads in NIH funding for 34th year in a row18

For the 34th consecutive year, the UCSF School of Pharmacy has received more research funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) than any other pharmacy school in the United States.

School researchers were awarded $29.2 million during the 2013 NIH fiscal year, from October 1, 2012 to...
