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Structural studies towards the development of an oral protease inhibitor to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection, a QBI & Gladstone Online Seminar with Joanne Lemieux
The QBI & Gladstone Institute Infectious Disease and Human Health Seminar Series presents Joanne Lemieux, Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and member of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology at the University of Alberta.
Dr. M. Joanne Lemieux trained as a structural biologist and has made important contributions to understanding protein structure and function. With a diverse research portfolio, her main interests are in the study of proteases in disease states. She is currently nominated principal applicant of two CIHR grants to develop viral protease inhibitors to treat COVID19: one based on a repurposed feline drug, and a second on developing an oral formulation of a protease inhibitor. She is co-PI on a third CIHR grant aimed at clinical trials and holds a CIHR project grant on SARS-CoV-2 antivirals. She is also a co-PI on a New Frontiers in Research Fund - Transformation on “Transforming pandemic preparedness by a One Health systems biology analysis of coronavirus transmission between humans, livestock, wildlife, and companion animals,” which is in stage 2. Her team is also investigating novel antiviral drugs to develop oral formulations, and drug-resistant mutants and variants of the protease to ensure efficacy with her antivirals. Dr. Lemieux has published over 85 peer-reviewed papers and is a former Canada Research Chair, and is the Executive Scientific Director for a submitted CBRF application for a PRAIRIE Hub for Pandemic Preparedness.
Talk Title: Structural studies towards the development of an oral protease inhibitor to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection
Host: Mir Khalid
Zoom password: 836898