Thriving under stress: a QBI seminar with Kathleen Boris-Lawrie

Thursday, March 5, 2020 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
students, staff, faculty, alumni, local science community
Helen Diller Cancer Center, Room 160

1450 3rd St, San Francisco, CA 94158

Nuclear proteins activate mTOR-resistant translation of select HIV-1 and host mRNAs

The QBI Seminar Series is presenting a seminar with Kathleen Boris-Lawrie of the University of Minnesota. Boris-Lawrie will present her team’s discovery of unique cap-dependent translation without eIF4E that requires 5′UTR determinants in HIV-1 and select proto-oncogenes. She has been an NIH-funded principal investigator and co-investigator of PI-initiated research, program project and multi-institution center grants since 1997. During 19 years at Ohio State University, she trained dozens of doctoral and postdoctoral fellows who now are successful academic principal investigators, international educators, policy makers, and clinicians, and co-founded Ohio State’s consortium of life science interdisciplinary research and graduate programs. Since relocating to the University of Minnesota, she is professor of microbiology, chairman of the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences and member of NeXTRAC at NIH’s Office for Science Policy.

Following early career positions with two Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies, Boris-Lawrie earned her PhD in molecular genetics at the George Washington School of Medicine. As an intramural predoctoral fellow at the NCI Division of Cancer Etiology, she trained in molecular virology and oncology. She then joined Howard M. Temin at the McArdle Lab for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin and received postdoctoral training in retrovirology.

Host: Nevan Krogan

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