Categories: Education

PharmD Students Win First Place at SNPhA National Competition

After teaming up previously in a local skills competition, second-year students Rhea Misra and Isela Lopez earned the opportunity to compete nationally in the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) National Clinical Skills Competition.

Dean’s Apple Teaching Awards 2023–2024

UCSF School of Pharmacy instructors, praised for their dedication, have received the Dean’s Apple Teaching Awards for excellent student evaluation scores across several terms in 2023 and 2024.

White Coat Ceremony welcomes PharmD Class of 2027

First-year learners were welcomed to the pharmacy profession with a meaningful blend of tradition and celebration, surrounded by friends, family, faculty, and staff.

School of Pharmacy celebrates global drug development and regulatory science collaboration

June 14, 2024, marked the 15-year collaboration of a Chinese course improving medical product development and regulation.

Postdocs, specialists, and researchers celebrated in symposium

The inaugural annual event included a panel on career pathways moderated by Su Guo, PhD, and awarded prizes to four poster presenters.

From community college to PharmD residency via UCSF

Nearly a third of the University of California’s Class of 2024 started their higher education journey at California community colleges, including Warif Kastoun, PharmD, whose plans to run her own local pharmacy in Damascus, Syria, were interrupted by civil war.

BMI students at graduation

A few of our recent graduates made it into one joyous photo at Commencement. Congratulations!

Benet honored in symposium with endowed professorship

The pioneering career of one of the School’s most influential faculty members was honored on his 87th birthday.

Pomp, circumstance, and pride at Class of 2024 commencement

Overcoming a neighborhood power outage to receive their PharmD degrees, 120 graduates representing a global village celebrated their official entry into the profession of pharmacy.

So named ASHP fellow: “Pharmacy is a lifetime-learning career”

Department of Clinical Pharmacy volunteer faculty member Kethen So, PharmD, MBA, challenges students to continuously expand their practice and will be honored on June 11, 2024, as a fellow by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).
