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Troy C. Daniels Curricular Innovation Award
About the award

Troy C. Daniels, PhD
The Troy C. Daniels Curricular Innovation Award is aimed at transforming the UCSF School of Pharmacy doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) curriculum to prepare leaders in a changing health care marketplace. This goal requires new, evidence-based approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment. The Daniels Award funds projects intended to stimulate novel approaches to the current PharmD curricular transformation. Whenever possible, it is expected that results be published in peer-reviewed journals and/or seed larger studies.
The award originates from the interest income from the endowed Troy C. Daniels Distinguished Professorship in Pharmaceutical Sciences, which is held by the dean. The endowment is in the name Troy C. Daniels, PhD, who served as dean of the School from 1944 to 1967. Dean Daniels led a bold transformation of the pharmacy curriculum during his tenure and was committed to continuous curriculum improvement. Consequently, the current use of these funds for our curricular transformation is fitting.
Award amount
Awards will be up to a maximum of $10,000/project. Depending upon the quantity and quality of the proposals, up to $130,000 in award funds will be available. Award money cannot be used to offset faculty salaries.
Previous recipients
See Troy C. Daniels Curricular Innovation Award.
More info
- UCSF School of Pharmacy faculty members and/or School staff members
- UCSF faculty members outside the School who teach our PharmD students
Application criteria and project evaluation
Applications must meet each of the following criteria:
- Focus upon the current PharmD curriculum transformation
- Be hypothesis-based
Applications must meet some of the following criteria:
- Increase critical thinking and problem-solving skills of PharmD students
- Bring UCSF science into the PharmD curriculum
- Create lasting educational opportunities across departments, programs, and schools
- Have clear potential to seed additional funding
- Be planned for publication in peer-reviewed journals
- Offer results that can be used in other classes throughout the PharmD curriculum
- Explore new ways for faculty and/or preceptor development (specific to PharmD education)
- Evaluate more effective ways of learning for PharmD students
- Create more effective mechanisms to assess PharmD student achievement of competencies
Application submission requirements
- Applicants will complete all information on the required award application form.
- Applicants will complete the submission form.
- Applicants will adhere to the word limits indicated within the application form.
- Only applications that include all submission elements will be considered.
Selection process and criteria
- Complete applications must be electronically received by the deadline.
- A review panel, coordinated by the vice dean, will evaluate all applications.
- The name of the award must be acknowledged in all publications: Troy C. Daniels Curricular Innovation Award.
- Award recipients will submit a brief progress/status report within one year of the release of funding.