Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Update from the Dean: Putting plans in action

Dean Kathy Giacomini shares how the School’s recent breakthroughs and accomplishments are bringing our new strategic plan to life.

Innovation gets a boost from 2023 Koda-Kimble Seed Awards

This ninth year of awards focuses on research advancing health and furthering understanding related to cancer, diabetes, HIV testing, immune response, and more.

Faculty Resource Fair and Development Day 2023

All faculty are invited to the following networking and development events.

Isaac Kaijankoski, MBA, MA

PSPG Program Manager

I manage the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics Graduate Program. This entails all aspects of the PSPG program including admissions and recruitment, funding, grants, events, curriculum, and student advising.

Dean Giacomini named prestigious alumni awardee by University at Buffalo

Award from her alma mater recognizes Giacomini as a leading scientist and pharmacogenomics expert.

PharmD Class of 2023 celebrates Commencement

Honoring the School’s newest PharmD graduates.
